Change Is Possible Through Christ | His Grace

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Have you ever felt like you’re too far off the path to change? Kenny shares his story of how change is possible through God’s grace. Kenny was raised by a religious mom who loved God and loved people. But when he was 13 years old, Kenny decided to stop going to church and put God aside. He wanted to do things that would bring him instant prosperity, protection, and status. The standards his mom taught him didn’t really matter anymore.

Kenny knew his choices would take him down a path he would regret, but he went down it anyway. Eventually he wanted to change but didn’t know how. He remembers crying in his car, saying, “Please!” to God.

The next day, missionaries came to his door and asked him, “Have you ever thought about serving a mission?” Right then Kenny knew it was an answer to his plea. He could change! As soon as he started relying on God’s grace to help him change his life, the toxic things in his life left.

Although it took time to repent and change, Kenny’s seed of faith continues to grow.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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Change is not a singular event. Rather, it is an ongoing process through time.


I’ve been thinking about going on a mission I’m almost 19 and I asked god to give me a good reason to why I should go since I’m so scared and I watched this video & I instantly started crying I’m so happy that the church is a big part of my life


His life's story is inspiring to those who want to change .Thanks for meeting the two missionaries! God loves each one of us as we prepare our heart to let Him come into our life!


Good for him and others who make those difficult changes to come back like him! It’s difficult to think how life would be without the Savior and His atonement after experiencing His love for us after receiving a forgiveness of everything that has burdened our soul for however long.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone and can help everyone, regardless of circumstances. Another great video.


I got baptized the day this video came out. I smoked a lot of weed, drank, smoked cigarettes, I was careless with my words and after I got baptized I had the willpower to quit everything. I stopped everything at once and I don't have cravings, here and there with the cigarettes but nothing else. If I'm honest I swear far too much and I'm quick to anger, but I can feel myself changing. GOD will walk with you, not for you. Remember that! And repent to God! There is no other way of a good happy fulfilling life unless you have faith and put God first. He knows those who are his, people who haven't experienced his love I hope someday will. Nobody deserves to miss out on it. God bless anyone who read this and don't forget to thank God tonight.


I've heard a lot of people recently with similar stories. I know a lot of parents and leaders are very worried about the next generation and the challenges they will face. I believe the best thing we can do is love and accept everyone and teach as best we can about the Atonement and the power of prayer so "that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins" and to find peace and answers.


For with God nothing shall be impossible 😇


I needed to hear this today. I have been trying on getting closer to god. But everytime i fail miserably. Doubt and disbelief always comes up. But now i know if we are determined to get closer to god no matter what, he will grant our heart's desire, for he is the one who gave us that desire.


Through the Lord Jesus Christ, our very natures and desires can be transformed!


The Savior is always so kind. He can change all if we are just willing to take the first act of good faith. I love these videos!


Jesus has helped me change for the better.


Love, love, love this video. Thank you Kenny for your testimony, change is totally possible! Its beautiful to have those life defining moments!


Thank you for sharing your incredible story!❤️❗ Like you, I have known opposition. My husband and family had a strong faith, and atrended Church regularly. But my narriage fell apart, and everyone went thier separate ways. I have been praying for a way to bring us all together again, but Im still working on it! So happy you found your way to God and the Restord Gospel! Congratulations! ❤️❗And God bless you! 😇👑😇❤️❗


The gospel of Jesus Christ for most is a question of do I want my life to be good, better, or the best that it can be. But for those who have taken a much darker path in their life the gospel of Jesus Christ is the difference between life and death. Both physically and eternally.

Автор completely ROCK man. Thanks for sharing your story, and thanks for choosing to become and remain a disciple of Christ!


I love how humble this guy is. No one has fully arrived and he is ready to admit it. I love that.


I played this for my grandson who has been having some doubts and issues of his own and it really moved him and made him think


the music from 0:21-1:01 feels unncessesary. despite this, the firm, inspiring story and testimony of our brother prevailed to my heart ♥️extending love and warm wishes to kenny♥️


I went thru the same process over 50 years ago. It was the right decision for me as well completely changed my life.
