'Кони привередливые' Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova)

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This is a session of Diana-therapy for the soul and body, which can be accompanied by therapeutic goosebumps.


Great song interpretation, she sang it soulfully


Diana voice always makes me emotional. I love her version


Спасибо за реакцию!Песня исполнена потрясающе--эмоционально, прожита каждое слово, каждая ноточка!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


This is a very difficult song for any artist. Especially for a 17 - year-old girl.
Diana did it in her own way and very heartfelt and, at the same time, with anguish.
Thank you for the wonderful reaction!


New Release Song , "Солнце рыжею лисицей". Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova)


Diana's music resonates with me on a deep level.💓


Великолепное исполнение песни Дианой!
Хорошая позитивная реакция!
Но к сожалению иностранцам трудно понять смысл песен Высоцкого!
Диане - браво, а за реакцию - лайк!

Great performance of the song by Diana!
Good positive reaction!
But unfortunately for foreigners it is difficult to understand the meaning of Vysotsky's songs!
Diana - bravo, and for the reaction - like!


Diana Havana Live on stage, "Havana" Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova) . Концерт 16.10.2020 г.


Diana's perfoprmance here is really amazing, she always put a lot of emotion! she cried as well!😭 Bravo Diana!😍


Wysotsky is one the great poets of the 20th century in Russia!


The meaning of this song of the great V.S. Vysotsky is that our life is very fleeting and we all will one day find ourselves on its edge. And no matter how we try to postpone this final moment of life, we will all get to the Judgment of God in time. But "... why do angels sing with such evil voices ???" Do you think that you are living your life as a righteous person? And horses, sleighs, snow is a beautiful arrangement of the meaning of the song


ranslation will give you nothing:
the poet / singer sings that the horses of fate draw him to the abyss, and he
with a whip (with his passions, a genius) urges them to their disastrous end and asks fate to take their time, realizing what awaits him, but cannot stop the whip asks to have time to write / sing ...


"Capricious horses, we came in time, to visit the God no one comes late...staying on the edge, a little while more"


Fastidious Horses

O'er a sheer drop, up against the void, along the very border,
I am lashing wayward horses with a horsewhip, urging on them:
Getting somehow out of air, gulping wind and gobbling fog, I’m
Sensing in a fatal rapture: I'm a goner, I'm a goner!

Do slow down a little, horses! Do slow down just a bit!
Don't obey a taut whip! Beg you, don't!
Yet that the horses should have fallen so unruly to me -
Short of time to live up, coming short with the song...

I will water my steeds,
I will finish the song,
I will stand just a bit
At the back of beyond...

Should I die, a gale will sweep me off the hand flat like a feather,
And the sleigh will take me, racing by the snowfield at the daybreak.
Don’t you tear along, my horses, change to an unhurried canter!
Just a little but prolong the journey to the final haven!

Do slow down a little, horses! Do slow down just a bit!
Heed you neither a whip, nor a thong.

Yet that the horses should have fallen so unruly to me,
Short of time to live up, coming short with the song...

I will water my steeds,
I will finish the song,
I will stand just a bit
At the back of beyond...

We're on time: you’re never late to pay a visit to the Savior;
Then why are angels chanting up there with dispraising, angry yelling?
If it is a harness bell that’s choking in a bitter wailing?
If it’s I who’s urging horses so they quit this headlong sleighing?

Do slow down a little, horses! Do slow down just a bit!
I beseech you to not fly headlong!
Yet that the horses should have fallen so unruly to me,
Once there's no time to live, at least to finish the song...

I will water my steeds,
I will finish the song,
I will stand just a bit
At the back of beyond...


This is a song performed from a person who is on the edge of life and death. He asks the horses that are carrying him to death, to slow down and let him live. Horses, this is such an allegory, meaning a crazy way and pace of life. This song is a cry. A cry about living at least on the very edge, at least one step away from death, but living at least not much.
English translation of the great song of the great Russian poet Vladimir Vysotsky from lyricstranslate.com

Along the cliff, above the abyss, on the very edge
I whip my horses - I rush them
Somehow I don't have enough air- I drink the wind, swallow the fog,
I feel with a disastrous enthusiasm: I am dying! I am dying!

A little slower, horses, a little slower!
Don't listen to the tight lash!
But the horses I have are fastidious
And I didn't have time to live, I won't have time to finish my song.
I will give my horses to drink,
I will finish singing my verse-
At least for a little more
I'll stand on the edge

I will rot, like fluff a hurricane will sweep me off a palm,
And they will drag me, galloping, in a sleigh through the snow in the morning.
Switch to an unhurried trot, my horses!
At least by a little, but prolong the way to the last shelter!

A little slower, horses, a little slower!
Don't take orders from the whip and lash!
But the horses I have are fastidious, -
And I didn't have time to live, I won't have time to finish my song.
I will give my horses to drink,
I will finish singing my verse-
At least for a little more
I'll stand on the edge

We made it on time- nobody is a latecomer when visiting God;
But why do the angels sings with such evil voices?
Or did the bell wither away from sobs?
Or do I yell at the horses, to not carry the sleigh so fast?

A little slower, horses, a little slower!
I beg you not to rush so!
But the horses I have are fastidious...
Since I didn't have time to live, at least I could finish my song!
I will give my horses to drink,
I will finish singing my verse-
At least for a little more
I'll stand on the edge!


Nakakatouch sya kahit Makita mo lang sa reaction Niya.


ang ganda ng boses nya talaga, idol ko yan ate, , , hehe fave kasi yan ng partner ko...


THE ORNERY HORSES by Vladimir Vysotsky
Translation by © Timothy D. Sergay + Julie Deshtor, 2017 

On a cliff over a chasm, in my sled and nearly slipping,
I am lashing at my horses. I am rushing, I am whipping.
Drinking fog and gulping gale... Am I running out of air?
It’s the end! I see it clear with a jubilant despair.

Slow down for me, horses! Slow down for me!
Don’t you let my whip drive you on!
But I wound up with these horses so ornery...
Didn’t finish my life, will not finish my song.

I’ll let my horses drink. One more verse I will sing.
Just a little bit longer I’ll cling to the brink.

I will perish like a feather blown away by the tornado,
And the sled across the snow will drag me, leaving deep striations...
Bring it down to a walk, my horses! - We can make it there later! -
Won’t you stave off my arrival at the final destination!

Slow down for me, horses! Slow down for me!
Ease your gallop and just trot along!
But I wound up with these horses so ornery...
Didn’t finish my life, cannot finish my song.

I’ll let my horses drink. One more verse I will sing.
For a split second longer I’ll cling to the brink.

We have made it. Can’t be late, when you’re invited to God’s table.
But why do I hear angels chanting, and their voices sound so evil?
Or is that a crazy sleigh bell crying, choking in its rattle,
As I’m yelling at my horses to slow down just a little?

Slow down for me, horses! Please, slow down for me!
I am begging you: hold back your run!
But I wound up with these horses so ornery...
Didn’t finish my life, let me finish my song!

I’ll let my horses drink. One last verse I will sing.
For a split second longer I’ll cling to the brink.
