Parallel Session 4 - Auditorium - No-go results
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Authors: Nuriya Nurgalieva (presenting), Simon Mathis, Lídia Del Rio and Renato Renner
Title: Thought experiments in a quantum computer
Authors: Marwan Haddara (presenting) and Eric Cavalcanti
Title: A possibilistic no-go theorem on the Wigner's friend paradox
Authors: Masanao Ozawa (presenting)
Title: Logical Characterization of Contextual Hidden-Variable Theories based on Quantum Set Theory
Author: Andre Kornell (presenting)
Title: Natural deduction in quantum logic
Title: Thought experiments in a quantum computer
Authors: Marwan Haddara (presenting) and Eric Cavalcanti
Title: A possibilistic no-go theorem on the Wigner's friend paradox
Authors: Masanao Ozawa (presenting)
Title: Logical Characterization of Contextual Hidden-Variable Theories based on Quantum Set Theory
Author: Andre Kornell (presenting)
Title: Natural deduction in quantum logic