The Proper Strapless Stance

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This is our first video in the strapless series to help you improve your strapless kiteboarding, covering The Proper Strapless Stance for kitesurfing. Your stance can have a huge impact on your riding and your progression and sets the foundation for improving your riding on a surfboard, a foil or any directional board.

New video's will launch every Tuesday at 9am!

Next week: How to Switch Stance

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Shot and Edit by:
Gwen Le Tutour
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Quality video's you guys are putting out!


These are so helpful mate! I used to be 5mins from flat water but I recently moved to about 40 mins drive from a flat water spot so I'm having to adapt to waves now. Had a few sessions with my TT in waves but not quite confident on my directional yet to do it so I'm eating this stuff up!


awesome tips. I didn't get it at first, before trying a surf board, after using one a few times now, this made a ton more sense. I had my Blackfoot way too locked in, in the back of the board and was struggling to go upwind. Thinking about it now, it makes sense, as I was not able to engage the edge effectively. Thanks for these awesome tips. Eager to try out


Can't wait to see more from your channel. Wish I could be 5% of what you are as a rider.


I have been using my back hand to control the kite while getting my feet on the board as it had felt more natural. I am a lot more fluid with one single motion using the front hand following your tip. Thanks a lot


Thanks a lot, really helpful! Could you also talk about topside stance?


Thanks Evan! Could you give some insight on how to exactly switch your feet. I still have lots of trouble doing this


I find riding a surfboard is worse in chop than a twintip. With the twintip I can cut through the chop minimizing the bounciness and jerkiness on my body, with a surfboard my body is absorbing and feeling everything.... Is there a special technique for riding in chop and small to medium swell?


great videos, how about an instructional video on getting upwind strapless toe side foot positions, I seem to be struggling with this, cheers


You covered it great on front vs back position. But what about position of a front foot relative to the center of the board, does it matter from your experience? Like how close to the rail should it be? Do you also move it in this regards depending on condition?


I surfboard is NOT designed to have your front foot so much forward. It will slow down by steeper noserocker being pushed into water creating huge resistance by water displacement. A lot of strapless riders are going slow as hell. Better learn to put most of your weight on front leg, but located behind wide point, instead of back leg, like twintippers do.
