Super Cheap Hornby Class 395 Javelin Train Set | Unboxing & Review

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0:00 Intro
4:05 Unboxing
9:02 Prototype Info
9:47 Detail
14:18 Set Up
14:47 Mechanism
17:13 Performance
29:38 Ratings
33:00 Conclusion
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It's cheap, it's got track including points, it's colourful, it sets up, and it runs.
It's obviously intended as a starter set and in that role it's a success. Everything can be upgraded if the operator is bitten by the train bug, and not a lot is lost if it only gets set up once in a while and played with.
There are lots of ways this set could be worse including Hornby charging twice the price. There's lots of time to create a rivet-counter once they've become hooked on the hobby and this will be fun fir a while.


This train set was supplied as an exclusive for Argos and came in at less than £140. A good starter set to encourage young children into the hobby 👌
It was then offered for sale by Aldi supermarket via their website for £99-99p. You got a bargain for the price you paid, only down side is you can't get extra coaches for it.
For what it is it's great value for money.

Liked the video as usual keep up the good work 👏.


Nice to see a review of this sort of thing (along with the hobby grade stuff). Thank you, Sam.


A bit of digging reveals this isnt the same tooling as the Super Detailes version - this ia the railroad version and the super detailed one has different everything (look at Hatton's Directory). For the price, though, this is very nice.


Nice one Sam!
It’s good to see a cheaper toy-ish available option in this hobby (especially great for beginners)

Stay safe mate 😀👍


This is what the hobby needs. Something that can be run out of the box at an affordable price. This can give access to a lifetime hobby. Everything can be added to or upgraded. Thanks for showing. Regards Paul.


A good little entry level set, would see this as enticing younger modellers into the hobby . Could be adapted to have a different decal of a real company. LNER maybe. And I agree with the comments you make. Rubbish motor although it does work, maybe for a week if using the Hornby controller. That noise I thought was going to set the motor on fire 🔥. But on the Gaugemaster, good running. Good review Sam.


It would be interesting to see a video on upgrading this train. You could repaint it into real-world livery, fit a better motor & wheelset and add some weight, put in some red LEDs for tail-lights, transplant on a better pantograph from another (scrap) model, DCC ready-ize it and maybe even fit some coach interiors/lighting. Then compare the end result with the quality of the Hornby Railways version and the cost of the upgrades versus that of the already better train.


G'day Sam
I think for the cost, it's a fantastic entry level trainset. Or 2nd set to a new member of model railroading.
I'd even get one as just a train to have fun with.
Keep up the great reviews mate😎


Maybe hornby could have the loco in basic silver, yellow and red - but with a few variations of stickers for the name! City express, Speed master, Travel Ranger… names could use some work but you get me :D


Hey, Sam! Great work on the review as per usual! But I just want to say something here.

Maybe it's got a fake livery for the same reason it's got a low price - this could be a set for younger/newer model railway hobbyists perhaps?

Like I said though, great review! Can you do another American loco review next time? Maybe the green Canadian National 6060 from your US Steam Day video? Your Daylight and Berkshire reviews were two of my favourites!


Thanks Sam. Great review as always. I was however wondering just what you would shunt with this set!


Great review Sam. It's refreshing to watch your take on this train set. Great starter set for the younger generation to get into the hobby and competitively priced. As to is livery it can be rectified by a more experienced modeller as well as upgrading the model with new wheels etc.


In 2021 I bought the South East livery 395 second hand from a model shop in Hythe, having coincidentally travelled on the real thing from St Pancras to Ashford earlier that day. I love the dark blue livery, but I’ve always been cautious about touching the pantographs … now I know why! 😂 At this point in time I don’t currently have a model railway layout (despite having lots of trains, rolling stock and scenery!), I just really loved the design of the set and wanted it as part of my collection.

I bought my 3 car set (unboxed but in good used condition) for £85, I’m not sure whether that’s good value or not.


A set like this one is what got me into the hobby all those years ago


The controller might perform a bit better on the small oval supplied - less track resistance. But that musical note is definitely a feature of this particular controller.


I owned a couple of the Class 395 Javelin in the Railroad format - interestingly these too were only available as a train set called Blue Rapier and i never saw the power and dummy cars available separately although Hornby did make extra coaches available so you could expand the train up to 6 cars. These coaches actually had plastic wheels too but they went through my pointwork with no issues. I have since traded in these units and i now have four higher detailed Class 395`s which are far better in every way, even the pantograph on my ones is posable and stays up.


just think with that, a thin black or dark brown wash on that roof, a dark grey then a wash on the gangways, maybe a bit of black panel lining wash and... actually that could look pretty decent, bit of weathering and actually its passable


Hi Sam, Good review, nice find, I think it's a good for a starter Train, All the best Brian 😃


Hi Sam,
I think we do need this sort of entry level "train set" so that parents will get them for there children who look as if they may like to do the hobby and incase that passion does not come have not wasted a lot of money on a "proper one" but you asked about the "proper" 395 and I do have one the bad news is yes it still has the tyres and only one bogie powered but on my iTrains controlled layout more than holds its own against the "proper"trains and yes it did have a dcc socket which I do use for the iTrains control. I do have a video showing it running along with a few more "proper" trains and it is called THE BOTTLENECK & UPDATE I know you are a busy man and will understand if you do not but it does not only show the 395 running well but what iTrains can do.
Cheers Robert.
