How to cook pseudo-labels | by Yauhen Babakhin | Kaggle Days Dubai | Kaggle

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Yauhen Babakhin holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Data Analysis and has over 4 years of working experience in Data Science. He worked in Banking, Gaming and eCommerce domains specializing in NLP problems such as Text Classification, Sequence Labeling, Language Modeling, etc. Now, he starts working at company as a Data Scientist. Yauhen is the first Kaggle competitions Grandmaster in Belarus. He has gold medals in both classic Machine Learning and Deep Learning competitions. At the moment, Yauhen is developing an online course on how to win Kaggle competitions for Datacamp.
Kaggle Days Dubai was held May 30 - April 1 2019 as a part of AI Everything. Participants came to meet, learn and code with Kaggle Grandmasters, and compete in a full-day offline competition.
This edition is presented by LogicAI with sponsorship from Kaggle and Google Cloud.
Kaggle Days are a global series of offline events for seasoned data scientists and Kagglers created by LogicAI and Kaggle.
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About LogicAI:
LogicAI as a creator of Kaggle Days is a sole partner of Kaggle to build global offline community.
LogicAI is a boutique Data Science consultancy company owned by Kaggle fans and Grandmasters. As a global company, they do custom end-to-end AI and Data Science development projects as well as trainings for C-level management and tech teams.
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About Kaggle:
Kaggle is the world's largest community of data scientists. Join us to compete, collaborate, learn, and do your data science work. Kaggle's platform is the fastest way to get started on a new data science project. Spin up a Jupyter notebook with a single click. Build with our huge repository of free code and data. Stumped? Ask the friendly Kaggle community for help.
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How to cook pseudo-labels | by Yauhen Babakhin | Kaggle Days Dubai | Kaggle
Kaggle Days Dubai was held May 30 - April 1 2019 as a part of AI Everything. Participants came to meet, learn and code with Kaggle Grandmasters, and compete in a full-day offline competition.
This edition is presented by LogicAI with sponsorship from Kaggle and Google Cloud.
Kaggle Days are a global series of offline events for seasoned data scientists and Kagglers created by LogicAI and Kaggle.
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About LogicAI:
LogicAI as a creator of Kaggle Days is a sole partner of Kaggle to build global offline community.
LogicAI is a boutique Data Science consultancy company owned by Kaggle fans and Grandmasters. As a global company, they do custom end-to-end AI and Data Science development projects as well as trainings for C-level management and tech teams.
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About Kaggle:
Kaggle is the world's largest community of data scientists. Join us to compete, collaborate, learn, and do your data science work. Kaggle's platform is the fastest way to get started on a new data science project. Spin up a Jupyter notebook with a single click. Build with our huge repository of free code and data. Stumped? Ask the friendly Kaggle community for help.
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Advance your data science skills:
How to cook pseudo-labels | by Yauhen Babakhin | Kaggle Days Dubai | Kaggle