Light Language: Transmute Money Blocks

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This light language transmission is intended to transmute our personal blocks regarding physical wealth/money, as well as any blocks surrounding the energy of money. Blocks regarding money can form both consciously and unconsciously as we have an ever-evolving relationship with our personal finances over our lifetime. We may have learned unhelpful habits as children that translated into energetic blocks as we grew, but we may have also learned helpful habits that need to evolve as well in order to get us to our next financial goal and milestone. This energy is intended to be a multidimensional cleanse and transmutation of any blockage regarding money, wealth and finances in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies of consciousness, across all Time, Space, and Dimensions. This energy also encourages a healthy and respectful relationship with money so that there is always more coming in to replace the money going out in an ever-expanding, positive feedback loop in your lifetime.
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