After the Presidency: Obama as a Citizen | The 44th President in His Own Words | History

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Barack Obama outlines his future plans as a citizen in this web exclusive.

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obama is a great President who inspires people and fights for what is right, not what is easy


Your Family involved would be the most important thing.. Family is the most important not Government not God we learn from family. They never tell us how to be a family..


I hope his family make sure that his history b written with the truth. No lies/intentionally omit the truth. U.S. have a problem with the truth.


Tax Rates in the US should be raised back to their pre Reagan 1980 levels so that tax revenue as percentage of GDP rises from 26.9 % to around 35 %, the money raised should be used to offer Affordable Quality Education, Affordable Quality Health Care, rebuild Infrastructure, Public Investment in Basic Science with long term payoffs, restoring the Space Program (NASA), Federal Programs that benefit and rebuild the Middle Class, making the Middle Class accessible to the Working Class again after 40 years of decline and downzising, the remains of the Hart-Celler/Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 passed by the US Congress in 1968 should be repealed and replaced with a Modern Version of the Johnson-Reed/Immigration Act of 1924, with US Immigration Policies based on a Annual Quota System that limits Immigration from the Third World and favors Immigration from Western Countries that preserves the Racial/Ethnic Composition/Demography of the US Population, 60-70 percent of Legal Immigrants should be White or Ethnic European, with Deportations of most of the Illegal Immigrants, maybe a path to legalization and US Citizenship for some of them, Criminals, especially gang members should be deported fast, the US should be Majority European-American and Majority Middle Class as in the past, Popular Democracy should also be restored by limiting the influence of the Super Rich Billionaires, Election Campaign Finance Reform, disclosure requirements for Political Activist Organizations with coded meta names, Think Tanks, Super PACs, Lobbyists, Media Companies, Law Firms, etc., rebalancing of Free Trade Agreements, lowering the gigantic Foreign Trade Deficit, raising taxes on the Super Rich Billionaires and lowering taxes on the Middle and Working Classes, lowering the gigantic Federal Budget Deficit, introducing a Modern Minimum Wage (12-15 US Dollars an Hour) that are a Ethical Living Wage.


Did he say take a vacation ? Gee didn't he just have one


Didn't he take like 3 or 4 vacation per a year as President?


hi lost his expectation towsrds hillary failed but he did what he had to leave in peace


He better hurry up and get his own Obama phone before he leaveS office! Only one day left Obama! THANK GOD!
