You look prettier without makeup.

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Thought I'd make a video about comments I constantly hear regarding why women wear makeup. It's worth noting that the narrator in the skit was a male voice (because Terry is awesome and was around), but I hear these types of comments from women A LOT. So it's not about one gender shaming the other. It's just about a way of thinking. Let me know your thoughts in the comments, would love to hear your opinion!

Special thanks to Alice K for the Monologue/Endcard Music

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Yess you go girl :)!! I love how creatively you presented this idea, it wasn't just talking but it was interesting and funny :) I also agree that people shouldn't be offhandedly put down for wearing makeup through a compliment it seems so passive aggressive and unnecessary - even if they didn't intend to be harmful sometimes it seems like a much better idea to just say" wow you look pretty today" without referring to the makeup


That intro is so accurate. I think makeup has become synonymous with vanity and insecurity where often... it's about artistic expression and having fun! It's also been around since Ancient Egyptian times so maybe embellishment is part of human nature. Very insightful, as always ;) x


Gosh how was this 6 years ago? Miss you. I'm 24 now, and I think I started watching you when I was 14 or 15, when I needed an older sister. I remember I once commented on one of your videos, and you replied saying how kind I was and how I had a wonderful life ahead because of it. I printed that reply out and put in on my cork board. And honestly, life has been pretty wonderful, even with all the ups and downs. I've been able to find happiness and meaning in the pain and mundane :). You truly brought so much joy to my life. I recently watched your "Signing Off" video on Gloom because you had recently crossed my mind. I truly hope you're ok, and that life is brining you as much joy and comfort as you brought me all those years.


ik she updates on gloom games regularly but i just wish she would at least make a fare well video. this channel used to be my favourite channel. :/


I didn’t know Gloom had an old channel- I just found it randomly :-:


Absolutely love this, I feel exactly the same. I guess some people read into these things a lot deeper than others. Great video Kassie! xc


2019 anyone? Now she has the channel “Gloom” 😆


u forgot about this channel?
i need u in my life :(


Omg I never knew gloom had this channel.


Thank you! I'm so over the whole why women wear makeup debate. There's no debate. Each individual has his/her reasons for doing certain things and makeup is no different. No one owes you an explanation, just let them do them and you do you :) I've noticed that I feel more awake and energized after I've taken the time to prepare my face for the day. Same goes for when I spend a few extra minutes of thought into my outfit for the day instead of throwing on whatever is on the floor lol


I tried getting into her new channel to support her but I just can't seem to connect with her the same way I could on this channel. I still love her personality but I can't connect with her gaming content (don't get me wrong though, I love watching gaming videos). Although I love the idea of her escaping to this fun gaming channel of hers, I wish she would reach out to her root channel and the viewers that started this youtube journey with her on here.

Maybe she's abandoned this channel because she feels like it's too much work to keep having to upload quality videos. Maybe she's lost inspiration for content on here. Maybe she doesn't want to be deep and meaningful and just wants to be fun and carefree. All that is acceptable. She is free to do what she likes and at the end of the day, we want her to be happy.

I guess this is my way of ranting a bit and getting this off my chest because I actually feel a little hurt :( I don't want to pin anything on her by saying she owes us an explanation, but it would be nice if she gave us one.

*SIGH* kbye.


I'm so sad there's no videos on this channel anymore so many of these videos got me through my anxiety and brought me so much genuine joy! :( if Kassie is happier on her other channel then all good I just adored every video on this channel aswell!


Terry looks so creepy in my ugly granny sweater haha! I love the shit out of this! Nothing worse than getting comments like that when you genuinely have a love for makeup and feel like it's part of how you like to present yourself, just like hair dye & outfit choices. Great message m'love <3


Kassie, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way but CloudyApples really did help me during a very tough time in my life. I've been subscribed since 2013, and your videos are still something I go back to when I'm feeling down and lost. While I know it's tough for you to make content on this channel because you are very critical of yourself, we are not. We won't judge whatever content you choose to share, it just feels like a slight betrayal when you just up and left and forgot about us. Cloudy Apples was a community and a family, and I really hope you decide to come back one day. I completely respect your decision if this channel does not bring you happiness anymore, and thank you for all the great content and insight you chose to share with us all.


I love that you rock yourself with or without makeup! Honestly, what speaks more to me as a subscriber is how cool a person you are and for that I truly congratulate you n_n It ain't my job to say it but keep doin' you girl x


I watched gloomgames and i didn't know she had this one.. why did she stop?


its been a year but i still come back to this channel every few months hoping she's gonna be back


Great message as always! I love how you add a comedic touch to all the videos you make, especially when it comes to more serious topics. Good on you Kassie! 🙌🏻


been hiding out here since glooms not back yet! hope she comes back soon missing her


It's been over a year and a half now since the last time she posted on this channel. I don't want to bash her because she seems happy on Gloom but it's just... disappointing. She was someone I looked up to and a person who inspired me. I know that this comment has no point because she probably won't see this and it will just be another lost comment on her dead YouTube channel, but I just wanted to say that this channel meant a lot to me and if you scroll down it also meant a lot to other people. I hope one day she can explain but I honestly doubt she ever will. The only thing that I'm really disappointed in is how she just gave up. She gave up and couldn't even give us an explanation. I hope you're happy on Gloom Kassie, because those who were here first really loved you and this channel.

Edit: Coming back another two years later: again y’all I was a teenager when I wrote this comment AND when I responded to other comments. I was just looking to be angsty and mean. Hope you’re doing well Gloom <3 and thanks for keeping this channel up for nostalgia, and sorry for being a royal bitch to everyone in the comments
