Sentro Knitting Machine VS Addi Knitting Machine

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2.5 years I still have my Addi use it often, Sentro broke in a few months, bought another Sentro, and broke again... Addi is still going strong. ❤


Just starting out with knitting machines and was going to get the Addi. The price jumped and I decided to start with the 48 and 40 Sentros. My thought is if I can learn to make hats, ear warmers and scarves well enough I’ll be able to make the money to buy an Addi. Thank you for you honest review and showing the hats side by side.


Great comparison video! I'm just sorry that you have to put disclaimers in all of your videos for those folks who feel the need to leave hateful comments. Maybe one day kindness will become viral and infect the entire world💞


How did you know I spent yesterday doing my own comparison?!! Sheesh, if I’d have just waited 24 hours!! Thank You so much! And I don’t see myself using it often, so I’d get the Sentro, use a 3 weight, and just double the hat.... Oh, and my hubby just ran down the basement to hide the drill... 😂😂😂😂


I bought the Sentro because I couldn’t afford the Addi. I mounted it on a wooden round and then on a 5 gallon bucket will wheels. It’s been great. My attachment for the handle just arrive in the mail haven’t had a chance to use it yet. Just bought 10 skeins of Blue yarn. Going to do as many hats as I can to donate to Hats not Hate. Thanks, for your honest review. I do love my Sentro!!!! Happy New


Hi Chrystal. I also have both machines. I put clear tape on my table which allows the Sentro's cups to safely suction.


I'm so absolutely thankful for you doing this comparrison. I've had the Sentro for awhile now and I have to completely agree with everything you said about it. I use the crank and can do a hat in very short order - around 15-20 minutes. I've had no problems using 3- or 4-weight yarn, but if I try to use Bulky 5-weight it **really** struggles and I get a lot of dropped stitches that I have to fix along the way. My row counter stopped working after about 4 hats or so... so now I just use a little manual row counter when the count is important. I made an entire afghan on my Sentro... instead of making a hat, I just kept cranking "tubes" that were 250 rows long, then crocheted the 6 double-knit panels together. It came out gorgeoous. I've never used the actual "panel" (P) setting on my Sentro. When I bought it, I did like you and watched TONS of reviews and usage videos FIRST of both the Sentro and the Addi. I decided to start with the Sentro mainly because of the price... knowing that "you get what you pay for". I knew it was somewhat inferior to the Addi, but it was also $200 cheaper, and I wasn't sure if it was something I was going to REALLY like the finished product (the knitted item). **Now that I know**, I would agree with you that an Addi is probably somewhere in my future because I believe also that it is a superior machine (of the two) and I'll save up the money to get one. Until then, my Sentro will still get the job done. I really appreciate your review/comparrison of them both and as always, you are spot-on in your review of the Sentro. Thank you, Crystal!! BTW.... how do I get a "Yarny Peep" hoodie? I don't see it on the scroll bar of the teespring merch at the top of the page (on my iPad). I got the "Bag O Day" hoodie (I showed it on my Instagram)... but I want a Yarny Peep one also! LOL [EDIT: Actually I found it!!! I had to go to the actual Teespring site. I ordered a Yarny Peeps hoodie (in purple!!!!) and a Yarny Peeps T-shirt (in purple!!)]


I have all 3 size Sentros, the 48, 40 & 22 and had them all over a year . Zero problem. The 48 & 40 suction to my table and kitchen island great so it really depends on the surface area. Since I mainly use the machines in my Work / Craft studio, and I’m now using an older table, I bought a piece of 12 x 12 tile from Lowe’s which costs me under $1 and my suction cups REALLY stick ! My 22 is the only one that doesn’t have suction so I just use a clamp and will add suction cups later .

Now apparently ( and it hasn’t happened to you yet ) when going full blast with your drill, what happens over time is the friction of your handle will start to get really hot and your crank will melt into the machine . I’m in 2 circular machine groups and apparently that has happened to quite a few people and they have regretted it. I was shocked to hear that . And your counter breaking can also be caused by the full blast of your drill cuz it’s also what happened to others in both the Addi & Sentro. I prefer to hand crack so therefore, counter still working. I may get an adapter later tho and use an electric screwdriver. .

So the 40 & 22 don’t have counters, I ordered each a magnetic counter and works like a charm !

So good luck that you don’t melt the crank into your machine !! I’m a crocheter, knitter & yarn spinner, but using these machines are so much fun to crank hats in so little time . OH, you will like the 22 for tube socks, leg warmers and arm warmers! You can do skinny scarves or braided scarves ( 3 tubes and braid) and of course all 3 so hats and scarves . My fave for scarves & headbands is the 40 because for me, , it’s the perfect width !

Thanks again for sharing your reviews!! Angel


I had a stroke last year, still crocheting and knitting...just a little slower. Thanks for the showing the difference, I think I'm going to ask my husband for the Addi for my birthday


The addi machines are made in germany so save your money but when the lockdowns are over and the supply chain opens back up the cost will come back down. Hold tight, it will happen. Stay safe everyone!


I your honest reviews!
"I don't know why the price went up!"
It's called supply and demand! You did your review, everyone ran to Amazon to check it out. Amazon saw they had a lot of interest in them and raised the price!


This was exactly what I was looking for! I have been reading reviews online for weeks and narrowed my choice to these 2 and was told "they're the same thing, they're all the same!" Thank you for this! It's helped me make my choice.


Hi Crystal, This was a totally fair review of the two machines. Thank you.


Thank you for your honesty .
If I get one, I would start with the Sentro . Sometimes I think I want something only to find out I don't like it .


My husband got me an early Christmas present -Oct(2020) and I am so glad he did! He got me the Addi and it only cost $179.00 on Amazon. I seen where they raised the price. He also got me the small Sentro. I agree with your review. I dont use the attachment on mine..I may at a later date. Thank you for all your great videos Crystal! I love them all! Great inspiration!


I *really* appreciate this comparison. I've seen several now and while it's clear the Addi is better, some made it look like the Sentro was useless. The Sentro is much more in my budget, especially right now with everything going on. I think I'll still wait until the Christmas bubble on the price goes down though. Thank you SO much as always.


Looking at all the yarn behind you makes me feel so fiber happy!!!💕 My daughter is loving the picture of Freddie Mercury! I love watching your videos, you're so down to earth! Keep making awesome videos please. I've been crocheting and knitting since I was 5 yrs old, I'm 50 now.


Thanks for the review. I love how you highlight all the important functions. God Bless!


Aloha Crystal 🌺 thank you for your honest opinions and sharing your knowledge. I trust you with no question, and the added bonuses of you walking us through using the products ❤


Crystal, thank you for your honest review. As always, your opinion is valued by me and I’m sure all your subscribers too. Bless you for being honest. With love from Barb in Australia 💜🇦🇺🧶
