J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor (Full Album)

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Artist: RIAS Kammerchor, Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs (conductor)

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Mass in B minor is regarded by many as one of the supreme achievements of Western classical music. Even before its first complete performance, the Swiss music historian and publisher Hans Georg Nägeli described it as the “greatest musical masterpiece of all times and nations”. Many scholars believe that, along with the Art of Fugue and the Musical Offering, the work presents a summation of Bach’s musicianship as well as the most glorious presentation of the composer’s deeply held religious beliefs. Much of the Mass gave new form to vocal music that Bach had composed throughout his career, some of which was not from sacred sources (a point of contention for Leipzig churchgoers). The Kyrie and Gloria (known as the “Missa”) had been written as an application for the post of court composer at Dresden. The remaining movements, the Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei, turn the “Missa” into a “Missa tota”: the full setting of the Ordinary of the Mass.

In the Kyrie, Bach explores three different forms of musical expression in an impassioned entreaty for God’s mercy. He brings in trumpets and drums to sing the praises of the Lord in the Gloria, Credo and Sanctus, and, as so often before, saves one of his most exquisite and poignant musical phrases to express the idea of peace in the ‘et in terra pax’. The dramatic contrast forged between the ‘Crucifixus’ and ‘Et resurrexit’ movements of the Credo serve as a dramatic representation of the Christian statement of belief, and the lamenting Agnus Dei aria gives way to a exultant chorus of ‘Dona nobis pacem’ (Grant us thy peace), bringing the vast score to its conclusion. René Jacobs directs the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin in this reading, which was described as “Spacious and intimate … a compelling performance” by the BBC Music Magazine following its first release.

The Reissue of one of the finest recordings of Bach’s “Hohe Messe’!

This “compelling performance..spacious and intimate” (Gramophone) boasts of a line‐up of famous soloists: Christoph Prégardien, Matthias Goerne, Bernarda Fink and Hillevi Martinpelto, singers of world renown who have amply won their spurs in Early Music. René Jacobs and his Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin and the Rias Kammerchor count among the best (if not THE best..) of Baroque ensembles and choirs around the world.

00:00:00 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: I. Chorus. Kyrie eleison (A 5)
00:10:10 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: II. Duet. Christe eleison (Two Sopranos)
00:15:32 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: III. Chorus. Kyrie eleison (A 4)
00:19:48 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: IV. Chorus. Gloria in excelsis Deo (A 5)
00:21:37 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: V. Chorus. Et in terra pax hominibus (A 5)
00:28:18 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: VI. Aria. Laudamus te (Soprano II)
00:32:35 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: VII. Chorus. Gratias agimus tibi (A 4)
00:35:08 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: VIII. Duet Domine Deus (Soprano I, Tenor)
00:40:37 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: IX. Chorus. Qui tollis peccata mundi (A 4, Soloists)
00:43:07 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: X. Aria. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris (Alto)
00:47:22 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: XI. Aria. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus (Bass II)
00:51:59 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 1: XII. Chorus. Cum Sancto Spiritu (A 5)
00:55:48 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: I. Chorus. Credo in unum Deum (A 5)
00:58:30 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: II. Chorus. Patrem omnipotentem (A 4)
01:00:32 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: III. Duet. Et in unum Dominum (Soprano I, Alto)
01:05:31 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: IV. Chorus & Soloists. Et incarnatus est (A 5)
01:08:08 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: V. Chorus. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis (A 4)
01:11:25 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: VI. Chorus & Soloists. Et resurrexit tertia die (A 5)
01:15:16 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: VII. Aria. Et in Spiritum Sanctum (Bass)
01:20:13 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: VIII. Chorus. Confiteor unum baptisma etiarn pro nobis (A 5)
01:25:18 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 2: IX. Chorus. Et expecto resurrectionem (A 5)
01:27:24 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 3: Chorus. Sanctus (A 6)
01:32:41 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 4: I. Chorus. Osanna in excelsis (A 8)
01:35:15 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 4: II. Aria. Benedictus (Tenor)
01:39:31 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 4: III. Chorus. Osanna in excelsis (A 8)
01:42:05 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 4: IV. Aria. Agnus Dei (Soprano II)
01:47:03 Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Pt. 4: V. Chorus. Dona nobis pacem (A 4)
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If I were stranded on a distant planet by myself and could have one piece of music, this would be it.


This and the St Matthew Passion - so different - yet both summits of western music


1:47:03 this is what I think heaven sounds like when you first get there and it welcomes you - as you walk in and see all of your loved ones from the past that have been waiting for you, embracing you with their wonderful and warm spirits. The light is beautiful, and as you continue, you feel as if you are floating, light as a feather--then you realize that you will be in happiness for eternity and experience no more pain and sadness, and all of your earthly problems, ailments and troubles are no more.


It's really quite astounding how far backwards music has gone. Personally, I am a lifelong drummer and I listen to a lot of heavy/technical music that is fun to play drums to, but I could never stop listening to the masterpiece classical music of the greats like Bach. He was on an entirely different level than the rest of us. It's crazy to me how the highly complex/technical classical music of 200-600 years ago was so much more advanced than what most people are creating today. I think a big part of that is just the mass amount of knowledge acumulated during a time where music was taken much more seriously than it is today, and how it was passed down through avant-garde instructors. I suppose after extremely basic "Rock & Roll" music took over, this type of composing just stopped being innovated upon for the most part and popular music went in another direction. 🤷‍♂


This is such a heavenly music... Bach must have been ordained by God to compose music like this..,


Thank you twoset violin for bringing me here.


Это Божественно!!! Этой музыкой Бог нам посылает Свою безмерную любовь, Свой Мир и покой…
Огромное спасибо!!!


0:04 Kyrie Eleison no.1 h-moll
15:35 Kyrie Eleison no.3
19:51 Gloria no.4 part || d-dur
55:47 Credo no.12 part |||
1:05:30 Et incarnatus no.15 H-moll
1:08:12 Crucifixous no.16 e-moll
1:11:24 Et ressurexsit no.17 D-dur
1:27:24 Sanctus no.20 part |V D-dur
1:42:03 Agnus Dai no.23 part V g-moll


✝️ Ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Thank you Brilliant Classics.


Bach es el padre de la música, sus obras sublimes llegan al alma, saludos desde Chile, 🎼🎶🇨🇱


I just heard the late Sir Roger Scruton explain this piece and I will never hear it quite the same way again. I recommend his Aesthetics of Music.


Bach was a genius, Handel also as I think of the Messiah.


Абсолютно совершенно гениальное произведение всех времён и народов!


¡Es el cielo!....gracias
It's heaven...thanks


En dépit de sa diversité stylistique, Bach était avant tout un compositeur d'esthétique expressionniste, toujours proche du drame, de la profondeur, de l'angoisse et la vision profonde et tourmentée de la vie qui semble émaner de la métaphysique de l'homme comme de sa même nature profonde 🕊


Bach de toute beauté, magnifique interprétation, merci


Thank you all for sharing this beautiful music with the public!


Unbeliever that I am, I absolutely adore this work. I am desperate to sing it. Ahh, maybe one day...


Thank God and His Church for inspiring such beautiful music!


The beginning makes me think I have met my Maker, been judged unworthy, and sent to the depths of Hell itself. I repent!!! Please say it is not too late!!!
