The Waldenses Meet the Reformation at Chanforan | Episode 35 | Lineage
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Now to go back to the Waldenses journey. In the 16th century, they had been isolated for many years, until they met with the leaders of the Reformation at the Synod of Chanforan, and this was the start of change. The result was twofold, containing both positive and negative elements with perhaps the best outcome being the 'gift' the Waldenses gave to the Reformation of the Bible in French.
To find out more information of the Waldenses check out our extended article.
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To find out more information of the Waldenses check out our extended article.
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The Waldenses Meet the Reformation at Chanforan | Episode 35 | Lineage
The Waldenses Meet the Reformation at Chanforan
Episode 35 The Waldenses Meet the Reformation YouTube
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