Trill Flex: Flexible Touch Sensing For Makers

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There are two parts to Trill Flex: the base (where you'll find the Trill chip and a high-density connector) and the flexible sensor (made from flex PCB). The Trill Flex sensor easily conforms to curves, bends, corners and more, giving you the freedom to create projects with touch surfaces that are virtually any shape. Trill Flex ships with a one-axis, multi-touch bar sensor, and connects to your Bela system or microcontroller via an included Grove-to-pin connector.

++ About Trill ++

Trill was designed for Bela but is compatible with any platform that supports I2C communication, such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Teensy and more. Every Bela and Bela Mini system ships with a Trill library as well as lots of examples (including visualisations using our GUI integration). Libraries and examples for other platforms are available on our Github repo.

Рекомендации по теме

Hi, Bela, I have two questions regard to the flexible capacitive sensor applications.
1. As you mentioned, the sensor unit can be much smaller than finger tip like "trill hex", which has sensor size of 3x3mm. Is it possible to make such small sensor on the flexible platform (polyimide flexible PCB)
2. If I want to make wearable devices with the sensor, then one side will touch with human body while the other side serves as sensor. But according to my experience, it will have significant parasitic effects toward the sensor. One viable solution is active shielding. Do you have some active shielding channel available? Or do you think the sensor will still perform well in that situation?

Thank you!


this is interesting, but it is a little hard to find its application.
