Revisiting Oakland's largest homeless encampment on Wood Street after evictions

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Beneath the Macarthur Maze in Oakland, there once stood one of the largest homeless encampments, providing shelter for over 200 people. Despite last year's eviction and ongoing struggles over the years, many continue to face hardship in the area.

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our country is feeding and housing migrants and leaving USA citizens homeless..what the hell is going on ...


A lot of you really dont have a clue. I worked security inside a large encampment at the end of 77th in east oakland. I would guess a good 65 % of the people there were not drug addicts. Many of these people are old and disabled on fixed income. Many of those people had jobs. I felt very safe working there. One couple was raising a daughter in that encampment. There are many restrictions that may come with being offered housing or shelter. Like giving up pets or not having full freedom to come and go or move how you should be able to as an adult. There are a lot more working-class non drug abusing people living in tents than you think.


i don't think we should take his word for it


It was a f'in health hazard, how can anyone say it was something phenomenal, it was a literal garbage dump.


Get off the drugs will solve their problems.


If I pay Oakland taxes and vote. I want that blight gone. Why are they demanding services when they don't pay taxes?


City will need 10 dump trucks a week to keep up with their demand.


It looks like just a dumping trash ground. The city should have put up tiny homes.


Please help these folks😢 some of these people really want help and want to get out


"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results", Albert Einstein. Elections have consequences, learn and vote differently.


I know it's really confusing but there's actually leadership there the place was taken over during covid and people that weren't unhoused came in and took over for business reasons and that's why you see all that car debris and mess that was actually from a local juncker business moved in with his people I made a huge mess up our campus plan.. I was actually in negotiations with caltrans at the time that they began to close the Wood Street settlement. What street is always been an intentional community it has never been an encampment. I personally find it offensive to be called an encampment but I also found it offensive to be drowning in trash and debris when we had a chance to create something beautiful on beautiful land and offered that Land by the city of Oakland and for several years we were trying to prepare it but one or two or five of us are not enough to go up against particular recycle crime Lords and they're bulshit cuz when they're pissed at you they either set you on fire or they steal your RV. We've had 425 attacks of arson at Wood Street with absolutely no help from the administration when asked. Leaders were laughed at buy the new administration news media has been confused as to who to talk to about the situation. Conflicting views and politics have jumped in and set into our group insidiously and redirected it and have ruined Wood Street. Point of the Camps, and there were 10 different camps at the Wood Street people's Collective we can do an advocacy but was beset by helpful advocates and many unhelpful advocates. It seems as if they just wanted to use the land that we had achieved. I have been The advocate for over 11 years leadership for Wood Street has been in the surrounding municipality communities bunch of old school logos who give advice for Black Panthers I joined the group as a Burning Man veteran of over 25 years and together we made a very successful Wood Street. It wasn't until the gentrifiers started swamping into the neighborhood getting ready to build these affordable housing which is just another word for lofts. We lost our ability to move into these buildings because they pushed displaced people to the back of the list of people that they would want to live in our neighborhood.I see so many snide and unrealistic unenlightened commentary coming from the public and it makes me sad because we have changed people's minds for many years we started building from the stuff left in the illegal piles as a statement as we were considered trash we've built our houses out of trash but we built some very interesting sculptural things that were statements against gentrification we have been allowed to live here for many many many many many many many many many many years and the City of Oakland


We need forced treatment centers, but we need to send our tax money to Israel instead


If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7


You the media praised Jerry Brown for his amazing work he did for Oakland. Yea right. I'd keep voting democrat. California is a great example.


Nah. We don’t feel sorry for them anymore


Californias versuon of affordable housing


I remember riding the Bart and seeing that large encampment from the window as we past by


go get a job, work, save money, etc


One Billion dollars Grants from the United States treasure will house every homeless person on the streets each year .


Everyone knows this spot what it is in reality cmon
