Is Mom a Hooker Now? | The Hobby Collection

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Gwenna collects hobbies. That's her hobby. And she's sort of over it.
It's me. I'm Gwenna. I'm talking about myself. I have a hobby problem and I've decided the best way to tackle it is through total immersion. Well, thirty days worth of immersion, at least. I'm taking a hobby I've explored and abandoned and fully dedicating myself to figuring out in an effort to learn more about what I like, what I can do, and how far I'm willing to go to do it.

As a mom, it's easy to lose yourself to parenthood. The kids always need things and you are often left with no time or energy to invest in yourself. Hobbies are an investment in yourself and I've reached a point in my life where I should have dividends from that investment. Instead I have a closet full of half-finished projects, over-invested-in supplies, and no more idea of what to do with myself.

The first hobby I tackled was Crochet. Which was ambitious, admittedly. But here we are. Enjoy.

Be sure to check out the playlist for the videos I referenced while making this video. The creators included helped me so much by offering the resources they've offered. Please take a second and go give those videos some love, some views, and some likes.

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GWENNA. OH MY WORD. As a crocheter, you started on HARD MODE! Spiral, multiple different stitch types, and even using black yarn?! Wow. I am so impressed! I have not attempted spirals - they seem so intimidating.
Couple of tips: you do not need to wind all of your yarn. Personally, I pull from the outside and let my skeins roll around in a reusable grocery bag. You can also find the center pull and use that. You really only need to wind yarn that comes in hanks (twisted). As others have said, I recommend amigurumi for people who want quick projects and they usually use way more simple stitches (though a good bit of math).


I had the opposite neurodivergent issue when I learned. I picked up crocheting one day, on a whim, and found it to be the easiest craft I've picked up and started working on crazy projects from the get go and now I CAN'T stop. To be fair, I am autistic not ADHD, so the idea of tying knots in patterns with a pointy stick kind of just clicked for me. You're doing great and I hope it's a hobby you keep trying!


The spiral moment was pure secondhand dopamine. That moment when the stuff that has been impenetrable starts clicking in your brain is unbeatable.

Also one of the things that infuriates me about crochet is no one tells you in the beginning that it contains so many ADHD triggers. Absolutely banging cushion BTW. Congrats 🎉🎉🎉


watching this while crocheting felt so perfect... your 30 days so perfectly reflected me a year ago. can't wait to watch your bread making video (although i won't be baking bread during it I'll probably be crocheting lol)


Just my own experience, no need to cake your yarn, unless your skein is getting loose/deflating. If you're looking for good dopamine hits from crochet, amigurumi or small projects are fire.


I’ve been crocheting since February, as a method of physical/occupational therapy for my chronic pain and other issues, and I absolutely love it. As a Buddhist, I think your comment about No Mind is also spot on. ❤ I try to crochet before bed for that exact reason.


Your frustration and overwhelmed energy when trying to read the patterns is why I only started using patterns occasionally about a year or two ago. I've been crocheting for almost 5 years and I recoiled a little when you were reading off the steps😂😅
YouTube videos are a godsend, the little tear-off pamphlet patterns at hobby lobby (especially the beginner friendly ones) are amazing once you focus on little sections, Google helps, and in the wise words of late aunt Diana "just play around with it, there are no rules to crochet."


Welcome to ADHD at it's finest! I use crochet as a distraction so I can concentrate on important things like.. work. lol Maybe give amigurumi a try. The patterns change almost every row and it's not as complicated as it looks. There are also hundreds of wonderful youtubers that help you learn how to read patterns or can show you what you are trying to learn. I only cake yarn after I've finished a project. That way the yarn stays neat... or I make balls and throw them in a basket.

Watching you has been like watching me in the early stages of my crochet hobby. The confusion, the dread, and then the joy/thrill of HOLY CRAP!!! It WORKED!!!!


I taught myself to crochet in 2023. It was a hobby I wanted to do for many years but life got in the way. Once my youngest turn 1, I felt like a wanted to try to find myself again. I used crochet hobby to do that. It has been over a year now. I truly love crocheting. I make all sorts of projects including from blankets, hoodies, stuff animals, and stuff toys for my kids.
I don't really block my projects the typical way( the way you were doing with the blocking board and pins- You can use spray bottle if that helps). I wet my projects and them cover them in hair conditioner since I normally use acrylic yarn. I lay them out in my tub with the conditioner for minimum an hour but usually until I remember it is there. Then I transport the whole thing as fast I can with out making too much of a mess to my washer and I run the whole thing thru delicate cycle. Then No heat/low heat tumble in the dryer. It works great! If I am making a project that requires stuffing, I usually do that before I add the stuffing.
I loved your video. It doesn't matter how long it took you to figure out something hard. What matters, is you did not give up and kept going. Adapt and overcome!
I could emphasize with your joy with completing the your work. You did it! And it looks great!

I look forward to watching your video on your bread making month.


Very proud of you for pushing through. I thoroughly understand the frustration with trying to learn the new patterns. I've been crocheting for close to 25 years now and still learning and improving to this day. I find that personally it's a relaxing hobby when I'm sitting working on a project that's more monotonous like a blanket. I do love the end result when I do a pattern that requires more focus such as the amigurumi plushies and the improvement i see in subsequent times I do the same plush. I will say that you have a crochet skill I don't have yet. I'm still working up the courage to take the leap into granny squares despite seriously wanting to make them to make blankets like those that I have from older generations.


I swear crochet and knitting patterns are just hieroglyphs. Good for you for attempting an entire month, so much more than I ever could.


You did well! I've never attempted a spiral. They intimidate me. Now I'm going to try.

Also, if the yarn is in a skein you do not need to cake it. That's only necessary if the yarn comes uncaked such as artisan Hanks or if you frog a whole project.


As some one who knits and crochets one of the hardest things for me is realizing I'm a full grown adult who apparently can not reliably count. You are doing great and it will get easier with practice... the counting will always sock but you get better at being able to "read" your work and figure out where you made the mistakes. For the last 3 years I have knit a lot of socks. I have made mistakes in every single one of them and eventually you learn what mistakes need to be fixed and which ones you can just ignore and it will be fine.


Gwenna, I am very proud of you. You tired something new. You found a challenge. You hit bumps, but you did a great job. Keep at it. You are doing amazing!


Welcome to crochet <3 The part of the video where you transitioned back and forth between the first shot of you and the shot of you with the finished object was really impactful, it almost made me burst into tears. It's amazing that you didn't include any shots of you complaining about the magic circle, so I assume (?) you didn't struggle too much, but the magic ring is something that is really, really hard for new crocheters a lot of the time (including when I was starting), so I hope you're proud of that! And, you prefer reading crochet diagrams over the written pattern? That's a rare trait!!


All the crochet do dads are NEEDED... I crochet daily... Started crocheting when I was 6 yrs old... I will be 58 this month... My favorite crocheter is "HOOKED BY ROBIN" here on YouTube... Much LOVE from Oklahoma!


Love your pillow!! And you finished it!! You should be proud! I’ve been a crocheter for decades, and discovered I can’t finish anything larger than a Teapot 🫖 Cozy, or a Beanie. 😂


I think you’re so badass for tackling this hobby! And I really hope that you keep going because crocheting is just so extremely rewarding once you get the hang of it. A few tips: there’s loads of tutorials on YouTube, bella coco, fiber spider and the crochet crowd are some of the most famous good ones. Also: you could also make a continuous granny square blanket. You just keep going on one square until it’s big enough to sit or lay under, so that you don’t have to worry about joining a gazillion squares


Omg Gwenna! We have matching crochet hook cases! 😂❤🎉


Thank you for showing me how to use the winder thing. I’ve had one for 3 years. I have an easy tip. Make facecloths….super easy. Pair it with your favorite philosophy shower gel…. Instant present!
