2015 Dodge Challenger Custom Graphics side pinstripe

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Audio Designs & Custom Graphics in Jacksonville, FL designed and installed a matte black pinstripe down the body lines of a 2015 Dodge Challenger. Check us out online at www.AudioDesignsCG.com
Instagram: @AudioDesigns75
Or stop by if you're in Jacksonville, FL
10329 Atlantic Blvd
Рекомендации по теме

Audio Designs And Custom Graphics,

Would it be possible to get that same exact stripe at the same exact location, but have in white letters "dont challenge the challenger" towards the back of the stripe, and on both stripes? Please answer ASAP, as I may be getting a Challenger SXT Plus 2018 for my first car. Also, do you think a V6 Challenger (the one I may be recieving) is too powerful for a first time driver? I have experience with driving a V6 Jeep twice up and down our dirt roads, and a Polaris RZR. My dad said I did a good job driving the Jeep, so do you think a Challenger is too much?
