Beginners guide to setting up Python for Machine Learning | sklearn & PyCharm

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I will go through how to setup a #python environment for #machinelearning tasks with the #sklearn package. No previous knowledge is needed to follow along, this will be a beginner friendly video helping you to setup everything from scratch.

First things first, what do we need to setup?

We need to setup Python – The programming language
We need to setup Sklearn – The Machine Learning Package
We need to setup an IDE – The program we write the code and run it in. (We will use PyCharm in this example)
We could install python on its own and then install sklearn. However, today we will use Anaconda which will make the installation easier. Anaconda is a python distribution and package manager that aims to simplify package management and deployment.

So I will show you how to install Anaconda, then how to create a new python environment and install sklearn on that. Finally I will show you how to install PyCharm and connect the new python environment to PyCharm as well.

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