3 Quick Canon FACTS about COUNT DOOKU/DARTH TYRANUS Pt. 4 | Star Wars Canon Explained | #Shorts

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3 Quick FACTS about COUNT DOOKU/DARTH TYRANUS -Count Dooku, a Force-sensitive Serennian human male, was a Jedi Master that fell to the dark side of the Force and became the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tyranus during the final years of the Galactic Republic. After leaving the Jedi Order, he served as Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. He was the second apprentice of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith whose plan to conquer the galaxy relied on Dooku leading a pan-galactic secessionist movement against the Republic. As such, Dooku immersed himself in the dark side and worked tirelessly to advance his and his master's plans, but ultimately forgot that treachery was the way of the Sith, while also being unaware that he was just a pawn of his master. Born in 102 BBY during the High Republic Era, Dooku was taken by the Jedi Order after being abandoned by his family and learned the Jedi arts as the Padawan of Yoda, the legendary Grand Master of the Jedi Order. A political idealist, the corruption in the Galactic Senate—as well as the traditions of the Jedi—disillusioned him, causing Dooku to voluntarily leave the Order and return to his homeworld, where he reclaimed his title of Count and heritage as a nobleman after overthrowing his corrupt brother, Ramil. His former peers believed his decision was misguided but still held him in high esteem. Unknown to the Jedi, however, Dooku not only renounced their ways but his commitment to the light side of the Force as well. Having sworn his allegiance to Darth Sidious, Dooku became the Dark Lord's apprentice and adopted the secret name of Darth Tyranus. Throughout the first decade of Sheev Palpatine's chancellery, Dooku used his resources and charisma to recruit entire star systems to the Separatist cause. At the same time, he oversaw the development of two vast armies that would be pitted against each other in the conflict to come: the Separatist Droid Army, which consisted entirely of battle droids manufactured on Geonosis; and the Grand Army of the Republic, composed by clone troopers bred on Kamino and modeled on the bounty hunter Jango Fett. After years of maneuvering the galaxy into a state of war, the Clone Wars began when the newly formed Republic Military invaded Geonosis in 22 BBY. As leader of the Separatists, Dooku delegated military authority to a cadre of subordinates personally trained by himself, including General Grievous and Asajj Ventress. While Grievous was trained only in the art of lightsaber combat, Ventress was strong with the Force, affording her the opportunity to learn the ways of the dark side from Dooku. The Sith, however, remained faithful to Darth Bane's Rule of Two; and as such, Dooku was compelled to betray his disciple after Sidious became suspicious of his own apprentice's intentions. Though he sought to replace Ventress with Savage Opress and later Quinlan Vos, Dooku ultimately remained beholden to his master's will, which would eventually be his undoing. By the third year of the war, Dooku and Grievous succeeded in abducting Chancellor Palpatine (per Sidious's plan) from the Republic capital of Coruscant in 19 BBY. During the ensuing Battle of Coruscant, he was confronted and defeated by the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who summarily executed the Count via beheading at the Chancellor's behest. In the days following Dooku's death, Palpatine revealed to the Jedi that he was, in fact, Darth Sidious, who betrayed his apprentice in order to replace him with the younger and more powerful Skywalker. With the subsequent fall of the Jedi Order, Sidious consolidated his power upon declaring himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire. As for Skywalker, he succeeded the late Darth Tyranus as Sidious' third and last apprentice, resulting in his transformation into Darth Vader and proving his slain victim's words of sensing fear, hate and anger.

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What's your favorite Count Dooku fact or moment?


Dooku: "a wise master does not reveal all their secrets at once."


I like how in episode two, when Obi-wan was captured on geonosis, Dooku is almost trying to help by telling Obi-wan Palpatine was a sith, also even tho he has the chance, he doesn’t kill anakin or obi-wan in the fight after, jus wounds them. He was like a neutral villain almost. But in clone wars he was hella evil lol


I actually like Dooku…he went to the Darkside by his own terms!


Now THIS is a character I want a whole show about!


It was actually said that Dooku would’ve potentially killed Master Kostana had Yoda not intervened, which is pretty insane when you think that Dooku was only a 14 year old initiate at that point that could outwork a Jedi master in lightsaber combat. Dooku really was a prodigy of the Jedi, it’s a real shame his story ended the way it did.


This fool gone his whole life never changing his facial hair?


Dooku, the most misunderstood of the trilogy next to Jar Jar.


The guy that was actually chosen as her apprentice looks like Adam Sandler in that picture


"Master Qui gon spoke highly of you. Surely you can do better."


Dooku and Krell are 2 of my favorite Star Wars characters (excluding Starkiller, as now not Canon).


and this lady's and gentlemen is why dooku was not present at the battle above corisaunt in my alternate history fanfiction.After order 66 he would reconcile with several surviving jedi including plo koon(he also survives in this alternate timeline), Quinlan Voss (that one was really hard considering dooku killed the love of his life...), Ayla secura, and kit fisto.He later become one of the leaders of the rebellion.


Dooku frankly didn't to be decapitated the way he did, not even Maul

I'd argue Palpatine was the one that deserved it


Anyone ever wondered why and wondered how dooku always used lightsabers shaped like a rifle?


Why does the picture of Qui Gon look exactly like Nicholas Cage


Can see why Dooku wasn’t happy to train with Yoda but come on it’s Yoda, if Dooku trained off of him he would crush Yoda not right away but eventually perfect his style


“Used force lightning to kill his captors”

Blue force lightning is not lethal???


Dark side doesn’t mean rage dark side means knowledge


Does dooku ever directly kill a Jedi? I can't think of any?


As great a character Dooku is I feel like within the Star Wars universe he was a bit of a waste.

If he had chose not to follow Palpatine he would have had great potential as a grey Jedi or a more darkside equivalent.

He could have revolutionised our understanding of the force and created his own order free from the ideals of Jedi or Sith.
