15 Reasons People Quit Rocket League

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Have you ever considered quitting Rocket League or have you before? This video lays out the top 15 reasons why someone might quit rocket league. Are any of them familiar? We've got smurfs, bad teammates, stuck in ranks, some quality memes and so much more for you to witness.

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Have you quit rocket league before? Hopefully I covered the reason why you might have..Also, check out my other social media, I just held a Titanium White Octane giveaway on twitter so you miss those things if you don't!


ngl i think everytime i play 1s i slowly develop some sort of anger problems lmao, cause there's no one else to blame but yourself meanwhile your opponent skips none of his replays waitng for you to ff:D


Have never quit rocket league, but I’ve taken lengthy breaks. Have been playing since 2016 a little over 2500 hours. Every time I come back I fall in love with the game all over again. It truly is a one of a kind game.


For me, I must say it was a mixture of reasons. One the one hand, the grind you have to commit to was becoming annoying, as I did not want to spend my entire day playing Rocket League. On the other hand, the gratification for training and learning new techniques is minimal to say the least, as once you reach Diamond, the issue of smurfing becomes ever more severe. After a while, all the game did was ruining my afternoon and affecting my general mood. That was the point I realized I had to stop. I have never regretted my decision to quit and honestly, it feels like waking up after a long night of nightmares, as the game is subconsciously making you addicted and numbing you to your environment.


I've always described playing rl like learning to play the piano. It takes a while to understand the basics and then literally years to become a pro (or GC or whatever). I feel like sometimes it's hard to keep playing cause I feel like I stop improving unless I start dumping loads more time into the game. Plus, every game feels like a sweat fest, games like fifa or cod I can play a bit relaxed and I don't get punished. With rl, you miss a shot, miss a save, look away from the screen for 2 seconds and you've basically lost the game


I cant quit rocket league. No matter what, I have experienced almost all of these things you mentioned (definitely havent “beat the game”) but the mechanical aspect keeps bringing me back. I love learning new mechanics and finding ways to hit the ball faster and faster with more accuracy. I have stopped caring about winning and focused on having as much fun as possible vibing in gc2


I am a very laid back guy, but toxicity in rocket league just has a way of getting me tilted in a way no other frustration can. Ever since turning off chat, I've found rocket league to be much more enjoyable. While you could occasionally have a positive interaction, the negativity far outweighs it in my experience. Being able to just play the game without jerks being mean has been one of the best ways to reignite my love for this game.


I felt number 1 on a spiritual level. It's one thing when they forfeit and stop playing, but its another when they get butt hurt and start playing for the other team.


I think the thing that keeps people addicted is that feeling when you are playing like a god that lasts like 3 days and you constantly play to get that feeling again even if it takes months to happen. Once you realize that on a deep level it’s easy to quit because you realize there are other games where progression is very clear and linear.


I’ve been playing this game for 3 years now. Personally, I still find the game fun but it can get a bit repetitive and frustrating at times. For example, when I have to play a match, I have to constantly sweat and focus all the time which just isn’t fun at all. Sometimes I just want to be able to relax and play around, but with the players I continue to face it’s literally impossible. My day consists of loading up the game, playing, then complaining then getting off. I still love this game, but I still feel there’s more that can be added to the game to keep it fresh again. We probably won’t get anything new until the new Unreal Engine 5.


I’ve always been a person to use demos constantly. Whenever I demo someone I’d say 75% of the time they get super mad with quick chats but for me when I get demoed I can’t help but think they made such a smart play.


I feel the derank thing. So often I derank and keep my composure to try to get back (ill be honest sometimes I dont) but because I try to be a team player and not be a ball chaser my teammates just end up either whiffing, cut rotation, or even worse can't hit the ball hard enough resulting in an unintentional pass to the other team


You can clearly see how hard the editors worked in this video, great content!


i quit twice troughout the years, not playing for months before the itch came back. the one reason for both times was simple: the TOXICITY of some people just made me think "i dont need this negativity in my life"


Hi CBell! It would be so easy to fix a few big problems in RL.

1. Next to "Report player" add a "Players I dont want to play with again" option, so if you have a rage quitter/toxic player, you can ban him from your potential teammate list. This way these players would have hard time finding games as everyone would just block them (even if the block last for ~3 months, or increase over time if you block someone multiple times).

2. Add customizable targets to custom training, so you can create a very specific training pack. Customizable things like:
- Net with only partially open areas that can help you to train placing shots (similarly to the aim workshop map).
- Opponent cars that you can customize how they move, or just making them plain simple AI bots.

3. Party ranked matches where you as a GC can join with a Plat friend to see how the two of you would play. However, it should be different to standard 2s and 3s as this would certainly have an impact on those players' ranks who play the game seriously.

4. Spectating others' matches. Would be incredible if we could join non-ranked matches of others to see how they play. Coaches could use this to be able to watch the person they are mentoring live. This could seriously impact competitive matches, so definitely should not be allowed in ranked matches.

5. Rethink how the mmr is calculated after a win/loss. While this is quite difficult, but given how much data is available about players, I think Psyonix could come up with a system that can differentiate between HOW you won/lost a match. Close wins/losses should not give you a lot of mmr, while smacking/being smacked should result in a greater mmr gain/loss.


I'll take a break from RL every now and then but I will most definitely always come back to it. it has a special place in my heart


The problem with 3s, usually if it's a 2 stack and you are solo, they don't play with you but against you, and that's why I'm a 2s main.
Psyonix, please bring back the forbidden playlist (solo 3s)


#1 hits me hard, man. I’m only d3, so I thought it was just a low rank problem, but it’s tough to see that it happens all the way up to the top😓


I haven't quit entirely yet, but occasionally prefer to play with and against bots in the custom season mode, just to have a few games without dealing with some of the behaviour you've mentioned. I can confirm though, getting criticised for mistakes or even close misses come from teammates and opposing players no matter what your rank is, even if they are playing worse then you are lol


4:47 every opponent to ever exist:
"What a save!"
"What a save!"
