imagine refering to t swift (one of the most successful music artists) as “my teammates girlfriend”

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Yes your husband is now a celebrity, in the most popular form of entertainment in the world, sports. I’m not discrediting the hard work I’m sure you put in for ur own career. But you sound quite immature with this complaint. You’re making his success, other people’s life long dream, a problem regarding YOURSELF and YOUR own feelings. A lot of “I I me me” going on here


Relax! I’m sure the people in your life and who you associate with know what you do. Why does the whole world need to know. What’s your priority? What is your first and foremost? If the answer is not family or being a “wife” which is being in a family you have your priorities mixed up. In the end that’s all you have.


I don't know him, I onky watch that guys page to see what you're doing. I'm so glad you're back, you were missed.


How in the world do you have social anxiety and do these videos??? I have anxiety and no way could I do this


Kind of off topic but I love knowing you have social anxiety. You don't seem like you would so it's refreshing to know a confident person has it, and it makes me feel more "normal." I'm a military spouse so I get what you're saying. Keep on succeeding!! It's important to have our own identities because God forbid if anything should happen and we're on our own. Peace.


i totally get you being upset about this if you're being identified as his wife at your job, or with your friends because that could definitely get annoying but if it's fans of the team or random people like they're not going to know you as anything else. hope this makes sense and doesn't come across rude because i totally agree with you. you do NOT have to become a regular nfl wife and should always follow your dreams!


Gratitude and humility has left the chat...


Amen, sister, you are your own person


Yup, stand up for what is right! Not every successful person is being maintained!


“…I am just not an NFL wife…” she says after citing the NFL in her bio while sitting in a Tesla her husband’s NFL career paid for.

Becky, please…🙄


Relax! I’m sure the people in your life and who you associate with know what you do. Why does the whole world need to know. What’s your priority? What is your first and foremost? If the answer is not family or being a “wife” which is being in a family you have your priorities mixed up. In the end that’s all you have.


I don't know who your husband is, I don't any names of NFL players other than Travis simply because of Taylor (also, I think OJ played, but that isn't what I know him for either). Now, I know of an Allison from a video that the algorithm suggested where she talks about her NFL husband. Glad I wasted a moment of your life if you read this, like I did watching this. I'm a dog mum who would like to known as no more than a dog mum. My dogs don't play in the NFL unfortunately, but they like to play. My dogs have achieved more than me, so I'll take it.


You are just an nfl wife and don’t be upset about it


It's not all about you. Sometimes it's about him... he also "worked his ass off". And if he's NFL, he worked harder.


Using your fingers like that shows me you're exactly an NFL wife
