Goodbye to the old Lizzy...

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Thank you guys so much for watching and subscribing! I am so grateful for each and every one of you guys 🫶 Comment #lizzycapri and what other videos you want to see! xoxo
Be kind, be silly, and live your best life ✨
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I think this video brought back some of your older viewers. I honestly stopped watching this channel and some of the others a while ago, and a youtube short popped up so I decided to come back and check out how you were doing after all these years. I'm glad you put this out, seeing behind the scenes shows the reality of the internet


Small micro changes over time are hard to recognize, but then it all hits you at once. Good on you for recognizing this and taking action on your life and living one true to yourself. I think you'll find that there's nothing more fulfilling than making authentic content that you actually want to make, and not having to worry about chasing content trends or topics that you aren't interested in. Good luck, excited to see what you do!


I feel you Liz, I lost my aunt october of 2022 and i turned me upside down. Im so happy you taking time for yourself. I'm proud of u ❤


I remember when I was younger about 7-10 I loved watching these videos in your circle and people told me these videos werent real and people werent this energetic and stuff but I was so happy and didnt care I didnt realize how toxic this can become for people. It can mold people into something they arent and its sad, I hope you are okay idrc if you need a break, just take it if you need it, if you do not come back that is fine just take care of yourself and do what makes you happy. I love you so much lizzy, you raised me in a weird way and I will forever be grateful to you


I am happy for you Lizzy and looking forward to the new content, If you ever need anything reach out💪🏻💛


I’m so glad Lizzy is actually finding herself, she helped us all grow up now it’s her turn to be able to start a new chapter of her life💁🏽‍♀️❤️


This is dope. I’m so glad you guys are changing and evolving. I used to be a huge fan of the sharers in 2017 but everything started to feel unauthentic and childish as I got older. CANT WAIT FOR WHATS TO COME LIZZY!


Raise your hand if you've been watching Lizzy Capri for a long time🤚


I am so proud of you. I have watched your channel for such a long time, and as a kid before i grew up and matured i looked up to you a lot, and i am so happy that you are making this change for yourself, i'm excited to watch your content


This truly shows that social media can be a deeply toxic place. And some influencers shouldn’t have to fake a character of themselves. It’s not right. It’s so hard to realize that influencers also have a life behind the scenes and that life might not be the same. And I’m so proud of Lizzy for doing All this! She’s a great creator! ❤


This video just proves what how hard it is to be a youtuber or Date one. It also shows the toxicity of the youtube style and how forced it really is. We wish you luck on your journey to recovery and good luck.


Please be ur self I the first video I saw was last to leave the Lego house I love ur cozy room it was so pretty and that when I started to watch all ur video please don't stop being u be yourself girl power ❤️


powerful video. thank you for sharing this. really refreshing to hear you speak your truth. ❤️


this video is actually really eye opening. imagine how many other ‘fun’ and ‘happy’ youtubers are feeling this way aswell..


Liz trust me I watched u sence 2018 u made a lot of great memorys I hope you will do better and don't quit yt or smth bc we love you Lizzy and if u do you won't let us douwn bc if u neeed it you need it good luck! we'll miss you!


I grew up watching you guys and hearing the truth come out feels like a relief but it upsets me hearing you weren't happy, but its also makes me so excited to hear how you wanna be yourself and make content that's real to everyone. also i hope your aunt is resting peacefully in a better place :)


If you need to take a break and rest up, then do it don’t force yourself to upload and make content if it’s going to take a toll on your mental and physical health, because they come first we will all be waiting here in anticipation for your return


I am really happy for you! I feel like ever since you joined team Rar you just haven't been yourself, so I am really glad you are going start being yourself again like back then when you were with the sharer fam. So, congratulations! Also don't forget that you have the your fans to rely on.


We will always support you no matter what you do! We will be here for you. You have inspired us.


This goes so much for all the creators that make content for younger audiences you always seem like you have to make happy content but that’s not always what you want to do
