Beating the Forgetting Curve: A Behavioral Science Approach to Knowledge Retention | Sounding Board
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As budgets have tightened, emphasis on proving return on investment in learning and development programs has increased. ROI often connects to knowledge retention, but participants forget 50-90 percent of learning gained through traditional training. Beating the forgetting curve requires a holistic approach to learning and development. Join this session to learn how to take a behavioral science approach to learning and development to increase knowledge retention and boost the ROI in L&D.
During this event, you will learn to:
Understand the forgetting curve and how best to combat it
Drive greater knowledge retention through holistic approaches to learning and development
Assist employees in applying knowledge gained through training to their daily work
During this event, you will learn to:
Understand the forgetting curve and how best to combat it
Drive greater knowledge retention through holistic approaches to learning and development
Assist employees in applying knowledge gained through training to their daily work