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The National Service Training Program (NSTP) of the Philippines was promulgated through Republic Act No. 9163 in 2001 and implemented in 2002. The primary aim is to enhance civically consciousness and defense preparedness among higher education and technical-vocational
students through the development of the ethics of service and patriotism as expressions of love of people and country in their cognitive and affective learning domains. Designed for both male and female students, as a one-year or two-semester program with a total of six-unit credits, the NSTP
is comprised of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). As originally designed, it was not explicit that NSTP will be implemented with service-learning as a pedagogical framework, but how it was structured, particularly in LTS and CWTS, there was already space for students to render community service. This is what I notice as the potential of
NSTP a potential platform for service-learning but there was no formal link yet between the two.

The NSTP is being implemented not exactly following all the principles of service-learning although some may claim they did because students serve the communities through the skills they had learned in school. And that is what this paper wants to pursue: how to enrich NSTP implementation, except ROTC which is outside the scope of this paper because of its military
orientation, applying the service-learning pedagogy without getting away from its legal mandate based on the experiences of selected higher education institutions in the Philippines.
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Catli, Erica Shannel N.
TF 9:00am-10:30am

In this topic nor discussion Community Immersion. Its helps me a lot to gain more knowledge and to understand deeper how this community immersion is really important to learn in each individual especially us students. Community Immersion fulfills many of the schools goals for students becoming involve citizen learning through worthwile task, developing leadership, advocacy and problem-solving skills. It also provides another avenue for students to discover new interest and meet potential mentors. It also enhanced every students cognitive skills: immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention skills as well as an enhanced understanding. It allows us students/individuals who are not familar with the people and communities where they will work immerse themselves in these settings. This gives us students opportunity to meet new people, and to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and the knowledge base of their profession and to gain cultural competence as well.


Juliana May JP J. Paig
MTH (9:00AM-10:30AM)

In subsequence to watching the video, I remembered my first experience in community gardening at a certain place here in our city that was held by the previous school that I had attended. In accordance to what the video is informing its viewers, I can agree that this activity indeed allows us to gain personal development, improve our skills, learn new knowledge from other fellow individuals, and build connections with the community as well as with different people that may be of help in our future. I haven’t given community immersion a much thought until recently, especially its importance in the development of the community. It is a waste how we are unable to do this activity due to the pandemic that is still currently happening, but if given a chance, I would be glad to participate in any community building practices that will be implemented according to what I can manage.


James Ther S. Jaminal
Monday and Thursday, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

"In my understanding with the help of the video, community immersion is the best experience for fast and realistic learning for students. In community immersion, we interact with others and form social characteristics, and at the same time, we tend to develop and enhances our own skills such as, communication skills, problem-solving skills, observative skills, and many more that will be big for future situations. To expand, as a citizen of our country, we have a responsibility by serving our fellow countrymen, and with this, we must give out our best, that is why textbook learning is not enough. To create a much more impact in learning, community immersion is the best and wisest way for maximum interaction and much more efficient learning. Especially in today’s situation where online classes are currently implemented, students will not be able to learn better. Also, I am looking forward to our community immersion."


Shyla Angielyn L. Seriritan
Monday and Thursday (10:30AM-12:00NN)

I understood upon seeing this video that community immersion is extremely important for a student's growth. For us, students, understanding the concepts of service and leadership while also adding to society's inequalities is a must-earned prerequisite. We should still make a contribution through being independently socially active and friendly, even if we are still students. Our communication skill would be explored herein, so as young people, we will indeed be capable of improving our abilities by becoming stronger, more mature students, allowing us to contribute as often as possible to our community. Furthermore, this would encourage others to work together and appreciate the ability to be a participant, as well as use our special individual talents to make a positive impact of our society.


Macugar, Adel Shahali O.
Mon-Thurs (9:00 A.M. -10:30 A.M.)

Watching the video, I got more insights with reasons why students should try to immerse themselves in their respective communities. Communities are always communal, people are always side by side to help make the community thrive and become a better place for people to live. Students engaging into such will help not only the community but also themselves too. We take part of the issues and events in the community thus, making us students responsible and proactive to things around us. Not only we will become responsible, we also become knowledgeable of things that are happening around us. Students really are one of the important people who should invest their time to the community. Students are the future of the society, and when we immerse ourselves, we can help make it better by having a glimpse of the past, a part of the present, and an outlook for the future.


Rico James B. Namit
Monday and Thursday, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

As a result of watching this video, I've learned that community Immersions help students prepare for the real world by teaching them how to work in an organization succeed in a particular field. The school must ensure that its students learn a variety of skills that will prepare them for jobs as potential professionals. Community immersion is a process that helps us to participate in the solution of community issues in addition to being familiar with us. This will give you a clearer knowledge of the various phases of communicating with the society and also how to react in any situation. It will help students achieve their school's goals of being active citizens, acquiring valuable skills, and improving leadership, activism, and problem-solving abilities. It also provides students with another opportunity to explore new interests and network with future mentors. This is a form of community service which really incorporates a student's passions and interests.


Neree Joy O. Delgado
Monday and Thursday, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Community immersion is a strategy for organizing the community among the NSTP trainees. Many students are learning on this community immersion because many things that needed to explain and can do practically by the students are explained in this immersion. It brings us contact with the world, fosters unique relationships, widens our awareness, learns from new experiences, and improves our interpersonal communication abilities. Helping the community is one of the ways of saying thanks and appreciating the things within and surrounds you. It is very important to remember because it can make the students become individual citizens, and learn many things specially developing leadership skills. We can learn a lot on how important community immersion is especially to us students. It benefits us not just us but the whole community, wherein we will be able to have different activities to become responsible members in this living society where we lived.


Salcedo, Wehyah Kristal E.
TF 9:00 - 10:30am

Upon watching the video, I can't help but look back at the days when I was an unmotivated kid. My mother on the other was a very helpful woman especially if there are certain activities that somehow involves the people in our community. There was this one time, when my mother insisted that I should participate in the community cleaning which is usually done days before the feast day/fiesta. I really don't have anything better to do at that moment so I eventually agreed. During the time I was cleaning, I was more concerned of the scorching heat of the sun hitting my face that is why I considered it "boring and tiring". However, I've met people that time to help me do my correctly and create a bond with a group of individuals who shares the same goal as me: to help. Days after that long day or the Sto. Nino feast day, I invited my schoolmates to come at our house for lunch and on the way, one of my schoolmates noticed how great our neighborhood looks and that theirs don't usually look as pleasing as what he was seeing that time. Of course, as one of the people who contributed, it was really heart warming knowing our efforts were worth it and appreciated but later on, I realized that what I did was more than just hearing good feedbacks from other people. It was also for the betterment and development of myself, the community and the environment.


Khian Justice A. Abad
BSIT 1st Year
W - 9 - 12

There are so many opportunities to offer after watching the video about community immersion. Individuals who are unfamiliar with the people and cultures in which they will operate can immerse themselves in these environments through community immersion. This allows them to focus on their assumptions, perceptions, and professional knowledge base, as well as acquire cultural competence. It is a method of teaching that has developed over time as the structure of the classroom has changed. Communities play an important role in educator readiness in a variety of ways. Students may part in this; a residency program, in which they live and work in a neighborhood while taking classes; and a field experience-based program, in which approaches classes are conducted in urban schools and summer exposures involve visiting and learning about the community while interning with community organizations.


Jingle Mae S. Jardin
Monday and Thursday - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

As I watched the video, I apprehend that community immersion allows individuals who don't seem to be aware of the people and communities where they'll work immerse themselves in these settings most importantly, the students. This offers them the chance to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and also the mental object of their profession and to realize cultural competence. It also give them the possibility to determine the opposite aspect of the community where assistance is much needed. And we, students, can do this community immersion not just a requirement to our subject in NSTP but as an individual who are capable and have that chance to help. But the matter is, as a student we regularly hear and being questioned about our contribution to the welfare of our society, and we are more likely to disregard the concept and say that "We are still students, we still needed to be taught of the thought of helping and contributing to the society". I reflected that it absolutely was the incorrect form of mindset. Eventhough we are still students we can still able to contribute to the society by just being dependently sociable and helpful. The essence of being a student isn't only focused on the concept of being academically excellent, and self-capable but it even have to be socially responsible to the community he/she lives in.


Kahlil Cyrus C. Manticahon
MONDAY & THURSDAY (9:00-10:30)

I gained more insight into why students should try to immerse themselves in their respective cultures after seeing the film. Communities are often collective, with people working together to help the neighborhood prosper and becoming a safer place to live. Students who participate in such activities would benefit not only society but also themselves. We participate in neighborhood concerns and activities, making the students more responsible and proactive in our surroundings. Not only can we become more accountable, but we will also become more aware of what is going on around us. Students are among the most influential individuals who can devote their efforts to the city. Students are the society's future, and by immersing ourselves in it, we can continue to improve it by getting a snapshot of the past, a taste of the current, and a glimpse of the future.


Maryjoy A. Sotto
Wednesday (1-4pm)
Community immersion is a strategy in community organizing that is sought to imbibe among the NSTP trainees a better understanding and realization of the different community concerns through the exposure to actual life situations specifically in the deprived, depressed, and underprivileged (DDU) communities. Additionally, encounters in local area submersion will permit them to partake with others who may help them to go through specific changes that will make them to know and mindful of residents. It additionally builds up the understudy's propensity for doing local area works empowering them to be all the more socially appended and to see the value in more the variety of societies locally. It additionally instills in them an awareness of certain expectations knowing genuine circumstances. In this video Community Immersion as a whole helps students in personal growth and self-transformation. It also ripens their maturity and perspective towards community involvement. It also helps in improving their values and to know different beliefs from other people.


Werneil P. Wegmann
W 9-12

As I watched this video I gained a lot of lesson regarding with the topic “Community Immersion”. Community Immersion allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will work themselves in the settings. This also gives them the opportunity to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and knowledge base on their profession and to gain cultural competence. For students, they will gain social acceptance derived from community relations coupled with appropriate community service and activity. In addition it develops the conscience that makes them realize how their ability to help the community. Moreover, community immersion also broadens our understanding regarding concerns and issues that arises in the society. In that way, we will be aware on how we handle and help solve such problems in the society. Furthermore, it strenghten and enhances our skills that we ought to need in order for us students to become an effective educator later on.


Patricia E. Luna

How Important a Community Immersion?
We thought it would be boring and just a matter of wasting time. For some it is, but for others it is not. For poor people it’s significant and valuable, but for the rich one, most of them will consider it worthless. Being in a community immersion is a great challenge because you need to compromise with those matters that the indigenous people are used to. You need to show up that everything is fine and smoothly moving. You need to adjust and maximize your understanding. You need to accept and embrace the things you met along the way. You should avoid offending your poster families, like showing that you don’t like what’s going on, instead show love and care for them. I’ve realized many things when I was in the situation of community immersion. I’ve realized things which awakened my sensitivity as an individual. Can you imagine a 6 yr. old child walking for about 6 km everyday just to go to school? Just to learn! That’s how blessed we are! We just ride in a car and eventually we’re on school. But them they suffered a lot because they aim for a simple goal, to finish their studies. For us, it’s a typical thing, but for them it’s their biggest dream in life. But what caught my attention much; it was their contentment in their living. To eat three times a day was enough for them. It’s a simple living actually but with harmony and peace. It is love that binds them together; it’s their deepest appreciation of each other’s existence that makes them one. No matter how simple the way of living is, happiness never depends on it, but it lies beyond the individuals that live under the roof. Be contented! Appreciate things! Share love and give care! These are what a community immersion will give you!


Hervey Geralph C. Mapano
BSIT 1st Year
Wed - 9am - 11am
Community immersion might help students to appreciate the different types of culture and be more socialized in different types of community immersion help students to be more resourceful.This topic can help students to establish a good relationship and different people and maybe this people will help the students in their future career path. Students will learn to be more cooperative and develop their critical thinking skills. Students will improve the multitasking skills and of course help themselves and be aware of what they can do or what they want to do and to reevaluate themselves.You might not gain some money in community immersion but the experience you learn and you might compare your future self to your past self on what did you do in your college life how many people you helped and what you learned This community immersion wheel encourage students to do better for the better of all.


Chrystal Belle Cuñada
Wed 9-12

Being a student you are expected to experience, to be trained and feel what is the real world. The theoritical world of going school should be verified by atleast in early time as possible. This is what the community immersion had aimed in the first place. The student would have inspiration by their small experience and observation. Allows students to adapt what they've learned in class to real-life situations. Students are exposed to diversity and multiculturalism when forming relationships and'social connectedness' with peers and adults. Improves communication, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills for the rest of one's life.The benefits of community immersion to students and the community because it is valid or allow to students to adapt their discussion about what they learn in the situation or in the real life.



I have learned from the video that community immersion is a strategy in organizing a community in which it includes broad exposure of us students to different community activities in order for us to become a responsible and compelling part of the society we belong. Community immersion allows us to take an interest in several activities within the community, to pick up social acknowledgment, build up a relationship with distinctive individuals, develop our inner voice, obtain a lot of fun and realistic experience and also have the chance to learn life aptitudes that will improve and mold us to become better and successful individual. I have moreover learned that before we take part in community immersion we should be impeccably prepared and we should have a plan so that we can have a better journey in doing this. Also, we should be prepared and mindful enough to handle unforeseen things during this time.


TF 9:00am-10:30am

Community immersion is a form of service learning that is more integrated with a learner's enthusiasm and passion that is affiliated to the on-going progress of community. It fulfills learning experiences that aids learners to become an involved citizens learning through activities, developing leadership, gain social acceptance, derived from community relations, and problem-solving skills. Community immersion mellows the maturity of the learners and perspective towards community involvement. This activity is outlined for the learners to potentially illustrate the prooper education and guidance. This aids the learners an insight to become an empowered individual that embraced the demeanor of an active agent catalyst for change and to embolden learners to bring positive changes in their localities.



My reflection about this video and for what i understood after watching the video is that Community immersion learning fulfills many of the school's goals for students – becoming involved citizens, learning through worthwhile tasks, and developing leadership, advocacy and problem-solving skills. It also provides another avenue for students to discover new interests and meet potential mentors. Community immersion allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will work immerse themselves in these settings. This gives them the opportunity to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and the knowledge base of their profession and to gain cultural competence.


MTh: 10:30 - 12 Noon

While watching the video, my knowledge about community immersion widened. It does not only benefit us students but also our community. It helps us have responsibilities that would help ourselves and also help us become better citizens in our community. It would allow us to help others to what more we can do to help our society become better. As a student, we may have limited things that we can do but it does not mean that we cannot o anything to help. It gives people many opportunities and new knowledges as well.
