GAY DOCTOR REACTS TO CONVERSION THERAPY | Psychiatry Doctor Analyzes Gay Conversion Therapy [Vice]

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#doctorreacts #conversiontherapy #vice #drelliott

Conversion therapy is still legal, and I'm pretty sure there are psychiatrists out there that are contributing to it. As a gay psychiatry doctor today, that really saddens me. This reaction video is watching a great Vice documentary on conversion therapy in America. I'm particularly interested in why people want to undergo conversion therapy, and why do people facilitate it and run these groups?
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"the parts don't fit"
"Oh, honey they do."
XD haha thank you for that!


I'm so glad you brought this topic up. I too was forced to go to a Conversion therapy that was run by a Psychiatrist who was in fact a Registered Medical Practitioner. He had hounded on multiple kids like me. I am 25 now, I am studying to become a Psychiatrist myself, in the UK. The world needs better Psychiatrists and I'm going to be the person I wanted when I was a kid.


One of my friends was sent to conversion therapy when I was young. He tried to kill himself when he got home. He told me what happened there and it was literal torture. No exaggeration. And people wonder why I never came out to my family and haven't spoken to them in 4 years. If I had been honest with my family about my sexual orientation, I would've been in that camp right along with him.


If homosexuality is a social construct, so is heterosexuality and we are all bi


"Oh honey, they do."
That's my guy! 😎


"honey we need to talk, they fit fine"😂😂😂I'm living for this Doctor😂😂😘


Videos like this are so hard to watch but so necessary, the idea that people out there persecute others and try to mentally torture them is a horrible one to think about


I'm all here for your LGBTQIA+ content, thank you so much for speaking up and educating your following! And thank you for speaking up not only on gay but also trans issues!


Hey Elliot, you should do a video on autism speaks and how horrible they are. Also, they support an organization that uses shock therapy on autistic people.


as a gay teenager i personally haven't gone to conversion therapy it was a sort of 'social conversion therapy' everyone in my school would just hammer into especially the males that me being gay was wrong and going against gods will whatever that meant. this made me 'act straight' i would be more 'masculine' i had girlfriends(who both turned out to also be gay) all in an effort to appease the bullying and fit in. lol love the UK


It seems to me that, to the extent there's more promiscuity and "one night stands" and so on in the gay community than the straight community, one of the things that contributes to that is homophobia and lack of societal support for gay long term relationships.

If you live in a society where you know you'll suffer ostracism, discrimination, legal consequences and maybe even physical harm for being gay, which was very much the case in places like the US and UK until recently (and in a lot of ways, still is), it's much safer in immediate terms to have anonymous sex with someone you'll never see again. You can hide that. It's much harder to hide a long term relationship with someone, knowing if your relationship comes out you could be disowned, lose your job, lose your home, etc.

Meanwhile, among straight couples, monogamy and long term relationships are not just accepted, but promoted and celebrated. Look at the immensely profitable wedding industry, or celebrations of couples who have been married for 50 years, and so on.

So if these people are unhappy with the amount of promiscuity in the gay community, it seems like their most effective tactic to stop it would be to celebrate gay relationships and fight against homophobia and discrimination.


I’m literally shouting “straight people do that to” at the screen all the same times you were. It makes me so sad that people still can’t accept that love is a beautiful thing, regardless of which gender the participants are. I feel like if God really is the God of love as people say, then he would feel the same, and would bless you. ♥️


I’m a bi woman who wasn’t the direct target of these sorts of things growing up, but I had to conceal the non-hetero side of my identity even from myself for most of my childhood because of a combination of internalised homophobia and having seen what non-straight-passing people in my community and in my church went through.

This kind of treatment has ripple effects. It’s indirectly destructive to closeted people, straight-passing people, and people who are trying to get a grip on what their identity is.


So glad to see this content. I was sent to conversion therapy at my church ten years ago this month and it was horrific. So relieved to know people are fighting against this brutal practice.


I would highly recommend the documentary “Believer” by the band imagine dragons. It talks a lot about the Mormon church’s homophobia, and the turmoil gay Mormons go through where their religion and sexuality are at war.


While all aspects of the conversion "therapy" are horrendous, I find the repeated emphasis on normal/ity to be particularly awful. The assumption that there is a normal, an universal baseline, of human sexuality is ridiculously false* and automatically creates a separation between sexualities. Yet I find in most discussions around sexualities, this baseline "normality" of heterosexuality is maintained especially in discussions of inclusivity - the idea that people who had been excluded from "normal" society (e.g. heterosexual society) would want to be included back within the same society is peculiar to me (but that's just one asexual's opinion).
*not to mention a direct product of Western scientific thinking


When you mentioned about people who are unhappy that’s just them projecting themselves onto you is 100% true. I learned this the hard way


What pisses me off as a Native American is that there are conversion camps in places like South Dakota (where my dad’s from) home of the Lakota tribe, where the gay people were originally celebrated as me accepted. And Native parents sent there kids to said camps (especially in the late 20th century) smh 😠😡🤬😤


I love your channel so much. I think a lot of people think, "Oh, we've made a lot of progress, everything is fine for gays now." But, rather than true progress, I think society has just made it unacceptable to voice and act on prejudices instead of eliminate them. Indeed, eliminating them is probably a pipe-dream, but the danger here becomes that people who think that they're not prejudiced and society is accepting become complacent. So when members of the LGBT community say, "Hey, we have a problem here. This thing isn't right, " people are less inclined to be outraged at injustice and dismiss it as the fringe group that just happens to be overly vocal. In essence they think, "Oh come off it, everything is fine, there's no prejudice or stigma anymore. That's all in the past." We need a lot more things to change. In addition, perhaps, for example, things are better for kids in school now *in some places* but a lot of places in the US South are just as bad as they ever were. We can't rest on our laurels because we selectively see progress in *some* areas. We must strive for equality for ALL, EVERYWHERE.


Thanks for uploading the video. " can I get an amen?" amen !!!
