Friction Problem with Solution Acceleration of block on rough horizontal surface of a moving truck

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Friction Problem with Solution Acceleration of block on rough horizontal surface of a moving truck is derived in this video in just five minutes. Here there is a truck that is accelerating and on its open surface, there is a block and we need to find its acceleration. Imagine a block of certain mass on the rough horizontal surface of truck. We need to calculate the minimum acceleration of truck so that block will not slip from the place. If truck has higher acceleration, we need to calculate the acceleration of the block.
0:00 introduction
0:20 block placed on open truck
1:00 using pusdo force concept
1:30 equation for acceleration of truck
3:10 resultent acceleration
0:00 introduction
0:20 block placed on open truck
1:00 using pusdo force concept
1:30 equation for acceleration of truck
3:10 resultent acceleration