He Died In A Train Accident And Met His Guardian Angel; What He Was Told Will Shock You (NDE)

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Today, we have an extraordinary tale of survival and transformation. Meet David Ditchfield, who faced a life-altering accident that led him to an otherworldly realm. After being trapped by a train, David was pulled under its wheels and experienced a miraculous near-death experience. In this divine realm, he encountered healing lights and guardian angels, inspiring him to create profound art and music that gained widespread recognition.

#NDE, #NearDeathExperience, #SurvivalStory, #MiraculousJourney, #Afterlife, #SpiritualAwakening, #DivineLight, #HeavenlyRealm, #GuardianAngels, #LifeAfterDeath, #Transformation, #InspiredArt, #HealingExperience, #OtherworldlyEncounter, #TrainAccident, #SpiritualJourney, #DivineInspiration, #ArtAndMusic, #BeyondTheVeil, #LifeChangingExperience
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My Mother died of cancer in 1995, she was 74 years old. In April of 2014 I happened to be passing through the village where my mother once lived, and decided to stop by the riverside and say a prayer of thanksgiving for her love and life. At the end of the prayer the sun came out and seemed to be pulsating, I felt prompted to take a photograph of it. Later when I looked at the photograph I was absolutely astonished, in the top left corner there appeared to be an orb of light with a pure white form attached to it, red and blue rays can also be seen. In the orb was a young lady smiling back at me, I recognised the smile immediately, it was my Mother! If you double click the thumbnail photo left you should be able to see my mother’s face in the orb. The red and blue rays remind me of the Divine Mercy, blood and water. The white form is the purified soul. Greetings from Wales. IESU BENDIGEDIG! (Wonderful Jesus)


I have studied NDE's for decades. Before anyone would talk about them. I have interviewed David myself, he is without a doubt, genuine.


My daughter passed away, somehow I believe that she guided me to hearing this interview and brought me oeace about our next destination


I too am a British man, somewhat "rational-minded" and yet I've had an Out of Body Experience. Unlike David, mine wasn't during a life-threatening situation but nonetheless I was able to travel away from my physical body and visit a specific location. I can tell you now beyond any doubt that my experience was NOT an illusion. You can only understand what I mean if you have an OBE yourself. It's the most profound thing that has ever happened to me and it's real.


After going through this experience, he asks if his friend is okay. WOW. Many blessings to you Sir. What a beautiful heart you have. ❤


I lost my oldest son seven years ago. 😓 💔 I hope he is waiting for me.


EMTs are truly unsung heros (& FDept.) they save people everyday, at great risk, high speed traffic to get you to a hospital, , , Thanks to alln who do this, , , God Bless You all.


Those paintings are so remarkably beautiful that if anything could convince you of the spirit-world, this is it.


I remember years ago when I was 23 I had some health issues going on . One night I chose to give my life to Jesus Christ and I started reading the Bible with Jesus movies when he healed many people . That night when I went to bed I remember I felt the most peaceful dream of pure love the most I ever felt. My dream I was in a war screaming “God is with us “ and Jesus was right next to me and this was the most purifying love I have ever felt in my life . And then I woke up knowing Jesus is by my side for the rest of my life 🙏❤️ Jesus I love you with all my heart ❤️🙏


God is in your heart and you can speak to him in telepathy even when you are here in your body. I love your beautiful painting by the way! God is omnipresent ( everywhere) so he is with you wherever you are. Talk to him hey?! I do everyday. 🙂🙏


I flatlined 5 times in 2014 after endocarditis damaged my aortic valve. The 5th time was for over 4 minutes. I didnt see any white light or angels. I went back to the past like 2000 years ago or something. We were dancing round a fire with animal skulls and could feel the heat of the fire. Others were gathering berries etc and other food for the coming winter. When i finally came round i didnt know I'd "died" until my family told me, then i told them the dream/vision i had. I don't think they believed me. I was definitely there, no doubt about it.


I had an experience during prayer in 1999, an extraordinary warmth surrounded me and I couldn't open my eyes, until prayer ended. The experience was intense and i trembled for about two months, as I relived this. Loved ones, didn't believe; they understood not, that i had Special visitation!! Praise the LORD 🙏
Not near death experience but THIS experience took control of me!!


Such a miracle you survived. I believe in miracles and God.


He Has No REASON to Lie. He Is Telling the Truth !


I absolutely love NDE stories. Every time I try to explain NDEs to anyone or just how fascinating they are, they act like I’m weird or crazy… it’s really sad that few people will talk about it. It doesn’t make any sense to me.


I have seen God as this huge brilliant bright white light and the love that I experienced was beyond words. You can contact God in meditations and you can see His bright white light. 😁🙏


Thanks David. I really enjoyed listening to your story but am sorry that you experienced such a horrific accident. I believe that NDEs and the realization from NDE's have the power to help humanity to transcend religious differences. It must be wonderful to create paintings and musical works which allow you to reconnect with this dimension and share it with others. Many thanks, Vanessa


He has a very calming voice, I can imagine him being a DJ, with his calm voice on an easy listening radio show. He seems very genuine. I had an OBE during meditation back in 2011, found myself in the light, floating in the light, I was in bliss, and love, the love is beyond any love I can explain, there are no words. I was where there is everything that ever was, is, and will be, I Knew exactly where I was, it was Home. I'll never forget it. It was a Clarification of God. And because of this "happening" or moment, I love god more deeply than I even understand myself, and I don't need any religion for that. It just is. ❤


Yes we all have a guardian angel with us🤗👍


Indeed we do... young children often talk about their previous lives, or say things like "This isn't my body, I used to have a big body"... or a child laying beside her newly born brother... saying to him, tell me about God, I'm starting to foget"...
It is truly wonderful feeling in knowing.. our soulself has been here since the dawn of time...
