How Russia Rigs Elections

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Thank you to @wowmao for the help with the Thumbnail

Description: Not too long ago I made a video titled, "Russians Aren't the Enemy" that was quite polarizing. Many viewers criticized the video claiming that 75% of the Russian population supports Putin & the war in Ukraine. However, this isn't quite the case as the Russian government utilizes a variety of methods to "secure" the elections & fudge their number of supporters. In this video we go over the main methods Russia fakes elections & Vladimir Putin uses to "win" the elections in the country.


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That video of Vucic emerging from a fucking fridge gets me every time


As belarusian I find the fact that people from liberal and wealthy countries doesn't understand such manipulations and frauds and you need to explain this really frustrating. No offence but y'all need to not take democracy and liberty as granted. Peace all🕊


It's probably an untranslatable joke, at least with my understanding of english, but i'll attempt to get it across.
"Putin will be relected again, you dont mind?
- Yes, i dont mind
- No, i dont mind"


I really don’t understand how the last videos message of “ not all Russians are bad” was controversial


It is crazy that "let's not hate a whole group of people based on their nationality" is a hot take these days, but it sure is not surprising at all


Cast your vote:
1. Putin
2. Maybe Putin
3. Only Putin
4. Fight Club Putin
5. Putin on a horse


Here's another great one you've missed. I'm not sure if it's as popular in Russia as it is where I am, but it's probable:
Government focuses heavily on the aging population. They are catering to retirees, doing things like sending them aid packages, increasing pensions just before elections, yapping the rhetoric that old farts just love to gobble up... Young people, however, are mostly disenfranchised with politics and generally won't even bother voting. We're well aware that the opposition is the exact same scum as the ruling party, and we generally see voting as a waste of time. I have to go there, go through the procedure to cast my vote, knowing full well that it won't change anything even if the party I vote for wins by some miracle.
Frankly, last time I did vote, I felt like a complete idiot. I was a bit ashamed of even bothering with it.


A kid is not at fault for the choices of its parents and yet must live, prosper or suffer by their consequences. Is it fair to Ukraine that they got invaded? is it fair that one Russian gets blamed for the actions of another Russian? If both answers are no - congratulations, you've now discovered that fairness is not a force of nature but something that requires continues dedicated hard, even dangerous, work to maintain or even reach.


In earlier, less cannibalistic times, I was once an observer during presidential elections held in one of the regions. Violence threats towards observers, closed ballot box counting rooms in schools, mysterious "voting places for people with no confirmed registration" (which had FULL BUSES of people delivered to them during the night) and etc were common. It was even before Crimea (before 2014). It's way worse now. Russia is just not a democracy, because there is no separation of power. Cops, judges, politicians, even high-profile priests(!) - are all part of a single syndicate, and face no reprecussions for their actions whatsoever. Because if a son of a politician does a criminal whoopsie, the cop would turn a blind eye and the judge would not sentence them. It is just not possible to fight Russia from within, the regime is that consolidated. In a "normal" political system, if some politician fails, makes mistakes, does crime - it can be used by other candidate to oust them, the media would swoop and gnaw at their bones, they would have to maintain their rating somehow, etc. This just doesn't happen in Russia at all! They can do almost whatever they want, be as deranged, stupid and utterly unprofessional as they want - all that doesn't matter. They just need to be loyal and place the votes and decisions as they are told from above. There is literally no politics in russia, it's all fake.


Thanks for creating this series. It means a lot to see an "outsider" view this situation from a rational point of view.
Btw during the 2020 (?) elections when my grandma went to the voting post, the post's monitor was extremely surprised, since she "has already voted", judging by their internal database. So as far back as 2020 (once again, not sure about the exact year) United Russia could pick citizens that were either unlikely to show up or of senior age to vote for them without their say in it.


As a hungarian, all I need to do is look at russia to see what's coming for us in the next few years.


As a Russian i can say this is the most accurate portrayal of inner Russian politics I've heard from someone not from ex-USSR


Just recently another opposition politician has been barred from registering, where Russia claimed the supporting people's signatures were fraudulent and from dead people.


This channel name is about to change into "Falling Ironically Out of a Window in Russia"


I'm from Indonesia and it's eerily similar to this.

God help us all


Hi there from St Petersburg, Russia! Yep, it's all like this. One thing I can add that when actual oppositional candidate are in place they stripped out from all air time on main TV channels, which is all are controlled by Putin and owned by his friends and associates.


Thanks for reviewing this topic, Janos (hope I got your name right). As a russian, it's really cool for me to see, people, trying to understand the situation and not just judging. I'm really enjoying your videos on Balkans. And big greetings :D


Russia is so efficient, we in the west are so backwards.
See in Russia they don’t bother with vote counting, the results are there before the first vote is cast, so effective and efficient


As a Russian who has lived in Russia for 26 years, I can say that all of this is pure truth


Really enjoyed that presentation, given your talent, knowledge and ability to communicate, you should be an educator. I could not imagine anyone doing a better job explaining that material in 10 minutes.
