After School Satan Clubs are coming to a district near you

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After School Satan Clubs are coming to a district near you


There was a time a few decades ago when Christians sued for the right to be able to have Bible studies and religious groups at public colleges and high schools.

It seems like a given now, since there are so many of them, but that wasn't always the case.

And here's the amazing thing: Because religious conservatives fought to have Bible clubs at schools, it opened the door to all sorts of clubs. Including the Gay Straight Alliance and the Secular Student Alliance.

Because once you let one religious group in, how can you say no to a non-religious club? Or one that welcomes people of different sexual orientations? You can't.

And now, those laws are being challenged in elementary schools.

In thousands of schools throughout the country, Christians have formed "Good News Clubs" for little kids. They're basically ways to indoctrinate children into Christianity before they're old enough to think for themselves and ask critical questions.

They've been around for a long time. And they've never really had competition. Until now.

The Satanic Temple is trying to start up After School Satan clubs in all the same districts where these Good News Clubs already exist.

They will follow all the same rules, fill out all the same forms, etc. Except Jesus ain't involved in this group.

And here's the beauty of it.

If they can pass those hurdles, the school only has two options if they want to avoid a lawsuit.

They can say yes to the Satanists and allow the group to meet... or, if they want to prevent the Satanists from meeting, they can cancel all the clubs at the school... including the Christian ones.

Jerry Falwell is spinning in his grave right now.

Liberty Counsel, a Christian legal group, already admitted that the Satanists have a right to meet. But they also sent letters to all these school districts saying that if the Satanists are disruptive, the schools have every right to kick them out!

They also told school officials that they could basically create a legal obstacle to the After School Satan clubs by forcing students to get their parents' permission before attending a meeting.

Because while parents will gladly say yes to a Christian club, odds are they'll resist the Satanic club.

Again, if the Satanists are playing by the same rules as Christians, let the chips fall where they may.

And maybe you're wondering what they learn at these After School Satan -- or ASS -- clubs. That's a good question.

It's not indoctrination. And it actually has nothing to do with Satan.

These clubs teach kids to ask questions. Think rationally. Appreciate science.

You could be religious and join the club -- they don't exclude you. They also don't try to make you believe in something irrational upon fear of eternal torture. That's what Christians do.

It'll be interesting to see how successful they are, or even if any of these groups get off the ground.

But the point is: The Satanic Temple has some people freaking out... because they're only now realizing that religious freedom applies to other religions, too.

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Go ahead. Be religious, I really don't care. But if you affect other people negatively, for example discriminating against gay people, that's when I have a problem.


I want a flying spaghetti monster club so i can praise the one and only true lord of the world. Thy noodle come, thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan.


They should just serve pizza, show cartoons and play video games.


Cool, Lets have a Pastafarian Club now


I would say don't tell the Christian groups what ASS actually teaches, but they probably find that teaching critical thinking skills to kids is just as scary as the devil himself anyway.


Christians: did you know Stalin was an aithiest? He was bad
Me: Did you know Hitler and the entire Nazi movement and The Manifest Destiny is heavily rooted in Christianity? They're bad things too


These Satanists are the best trolls ever!


We are in the day when ppl call evil good and good evil, i am truly amazed, just in aw of how merciful God truly is but he is also just in his judgement... and we will all face His judgement. Truly as i read most of u blaspheme the Lord i am angered but i cant help but think of the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, even as he hung on the cross of calvalry for our sins he pleaded with his Father in Heaven to forgive them for they know not what they do.


Let's start a Flying Speghetti Monster club man!
I'd love to just walk in and die of laughter


I wish I was still a teacher. I would love to see Satan Clubs in the schools that worked at.


these people need to leave kids alone.


I challenge any ATHEISTS anywhere, at anytime in anyplace in the world, if they do not believe Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, died for the sins of manikind and was resurrected from the dead and is the only way one can find salvation for his soul and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Go to a quiet place and call to him to show his existence to you and I guarantee he will show himself to you however he seems fit, we challenge any of you deceived know it not a damn thing to call out, if you don't believe you have nothing to lose anyway for you have already lost your soul . I love you all I really really do this is why we do this , you are in my prayers always and forever God bless you, Speaker have you told them the news yet?


This is great. Hope there are plenty of freethinking parents out there to have their kids partake.


I have objection to the word Satan club since it indicates something bad. If you are a rationalist or atheist, then call yourself a rationalist or atheist, not a Satan worshipper which you are not since just like God, you don't believe in Satan either.


Man I wish we had A.S.S. club in my school, I'd actually would have gone.


I would like to see an Odin club. They can teach the kids how to carve the blood eagle on their terrified Christian peers.


Very good points. I'm a Christian - and I do not think that we can arbitrarily block ANY club that wants to organize in a public, publicly funded, school. Even if I don't agree with it. If they are expecting parental permission (permission slip), then I see no reason to be up in arms over this club meeting. I also think the Christian clubs should be expected to have permission slips signed by parents (hopefully they are? If not - please CHANGE that).

Man, I think you would be a blast to have a beer with.


Too bad things like this weren't practiced during my school days in germany, this would have been soo much more entertaining, but then, we already had some after school clubs dedicated to science and critical thinking and surprisingly few religious teachings in school. Well, days were better, then :-(
I totally agree with you, Hermant, that, if anything, these A-S-S-clubs enrage some christians who hate this sort of equality, how it exposes them. Just a look into this comments sector shows how some will react, blindly, full stop at the word "satan" :-)


Kinda sucks that I won't be able to see one pop up at my school since I graduate this year. The idea fills me with so much joy.


I just realized he puts the WHOLE dialogue in the description.
