How SJWs Conned A Generation of Black Folk

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Economic Freedom/Property Rights > Social Justice


You know the movie "Boyz in the Hood"? That scene where Cuba was wild swinging in frustration after getting stopped by that black cop? That's how I feel almost everyday when I have to deal with the bullshit my race propegates day after day, and yet claims "someone is holding them down" . I live in Baltimore, the whole Freddie Gray scene opened my eyes to where this city is headed. We just convicted our previous mayor of fraud charges. When you try to tell black folks how to save/grow their money in high interest accounts and learning lucrative business models that don't put you behind bars, yet you're "being white". And these same folks will make you think you're crazy for not sipping the culture kool-aid. White/hispanic folks treat me better than my own damn race!


Keep talking. You're talking about the change the next generation of young people needs to hear.


White liberal: "I bet it's sooo hard for you as a Black man."

Me: 😐😒😕..."not really"


I am 52 years old and have seen the change in our communities over the decades that has to the detriment of all communities of color and poverty. The SJW's pander to people of color by saying that they want to GIVE this or that. When growing up my father always told me that I had to earn everything and that I will never be given anything for free. The con has been and continues to be the infantilization of people that live in poverty as a whole and people of color specifically. I am old enough to remember seeing people from our communities doing everything they could to get an education and work hard to earn what they want to looking for the fast and easy buck because the SJW's want to use them as a voting block. Watch every politician on the left and pay attention to their words and their especially statements. Crime needs to be addressed... especially in the * community. Police brutality needs to be addressed, especially where the * community is concerned. Welfare and housing is an issue in low income communities especially in the * community. These politicians have used these statements to make people feel as though they are in their corner and then use it to control those communities. They talk about how bad things are in these impoverished neighborhoods and how crime is an issue and law enforcement along with the justice system is biased against them and how the there is a rise in racial related crimes, and how people of color and women need to be protected from these things but then turn around and say, BTW, we are going to take your guns and increase police presence in your neighborhoods. Wait... what? And if you question the thought process behind it, they say "the children"... my reply has always been, funny, it isn't a poor child, especially those of color that are doing these things. They want to pacify our communities while creating tension between the races and sexes and instilling fear of the government, law enforcement, republicans, businesses and our own communities. But these are supposed to be the people we are voting for because they are looking out for us... giving you welfare money while defunding the schools and all to pacify and keep our communities saying "just don't mess with my welfare". This is a conversation we need to be having, stop letting the SJW's gas you up, not every white person is rich, not every white person is a racist, and not every Democrat is out to help you.


"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."
- Malcolm X (1963)


I remember growing up the only kind of racism people called out on a large scale was along the lines of "all black people are the same."

But then I find out that people expected the black community to vote as a monolith, not by their income, education, state, beliefs, or other demographics, but they HAVE to vote Democrats because of the color of their skin.

And this from the people 'fighting real racism.'


They include blackness with being SJW and changed the meaning of being Woke.

Real “Wokeness” is what you are talking about. Keep educating these fools man! I don’t need anybody’s approval to be who I am.


Its the natural phenomenon many will see as a paradox.

Seeking external validation keeps you seeking, wheras seeking internal validation will have the once sought after come after you. Because they sense you have value.


This has a long standing issue..Wanting white folks acceptance..especially black women wanting this.


"You don't have to live next to me. Just give me my equality."

-Nina Simone


Here’s one thing I routinely witness:

The Leftists (primarily white) will rail against those who use racial slurs. But when a black person follows a different set of politics, the word “coon” comes out in an instant.


As a white man nobody should be seeking my acceptance anyways. I’m nothing special. We are all individuals and any ideology that tells you otherwise has ulterior motivations 🤷‍♂️


Sowell highlights this point exactly. Italians and Jews advanced in American society by focusing on individual and community economic growth before political clout, but the Irish were highly represented in the state but didn’t advance economically until the decline of their urban political machines. Economic advancement before political advancement should be the benchmark. Obviously there are differences to consider when comparing Black Americans with immigrant groups but the proven outcomes of this strategy overall across different American communities speaks to what you’re saying.


I'll never understand people that beg other people for acceptance. Acceptance will never be attained by doing that, the best one can hope for there is some kind of benign contempt.


“We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house.” - MLK
This was the quote MLK made after the “I have a dream” speech! It wasn’t the “ I have a dream” speech that got him killed, it was the second thoughts he had on black people and integration with white people.


Oscars are a joke anyway. I just don't understand how something that was a glorified fashion show less than 10 years ago suddenly has all of this clout.


To me seem entire generation didnt hear what MLK said he dreamed of a time that color of skin has no reverence period that it was on the personal individual choice. Hope we can get back on that path


Live an honorable life and you have my respect.


