Motion Class 9 One-Shot Mazedar & Fun Full Chapter Lecture + Quiz | Class 9 Physics | 2021-22

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Motion Class 9 One-Shot Mazedar & Fun Full Chapter Lecture + Quiz | Class 9 Physics | 2021-22
1) Motion Class 9 Lecture in Hindi
2) Motion Class 9 Full lecture
3) Class 9 Physics Motion
4) Class 9 Physics 1st chapter
5) Class 9 Motion Lecture in Hindi
6) Motion Full Chapter Class 9
7) Motion One Shot Lecture in Hindi
8) Class 9 Strategy 2020-21

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3:06 Lecture starts/What is physics
5:17 Physical quantities - Scalar & Vector
10:21 What is a unit?
14:23 What is Motion?
20:37 Types of motion - Linear
21:27 Types of motion - Circulatory
22:09 Types of motion - Oscillatory
22:45 Quantities - Distance & Displacement
31:02 Speed & Velocity
33:30 Uniform & Non-Uniform motion
35:38 Average Speed & Average Velocity formulae
38:52 What is Acceleration?
43:05 Time Graphs
43:29 Body at rest time graphs
45:43 Body in uniform motion time graph
48:03 Body in uniform acceleration time graph
50:30 Kinematic Equations
52:33 Graphical Diveration
1:03:29 Numerical deviration
1:03:43 Circular motion


I am now currently in class 11,
I watched this lecture when I was in class 9, I was not the topper of my class that time.. Even I scored just 56% in class 8 and had 54th rank from the class of 60.I was sad depressed and my all relatives and parents used to say "Tera agge kuch nahi hoga".."abhi itne marks hai to class 10 mai fail ho jaega" and all that shit.😣
Then I found prenay bhaiya's channel I followed him entire year..I followed his guidance, lectures, notes, material, also I studied really hard in the entire year to prove myself in front of everyone and then finally I achieved 2nd rank in my class with 92%! Also then I scored 95.4% in class 10 and achieved the first rank. All my batchmates, teachers, and all those bullshit relatives were shocked by looking a drastic change in my performance
Today after 2 years(I am in class 11 currently), in my coaching our teacher was teaching us the 3 laws of motion and then suddenly prenay bhaiya's lecture flashed in my mind
I still remember his every word he taught me, Even till now!
That's the power of your teaching and guaidance bhaiya
You changed a live❤❤orelse I would still be an average student of my class!!
Thank You So Much and love you from the deepest part of my heart🙇🏻🙏🏻💝


Newton's fourth law of motion😅😅

Every book continues to be in state of rest and covered with dust until and unless internal and external exam appears and the speed of the page turning is directly proportional to the syllabus to be covered and tension in mind remain constant.


Lecture starts at 3:06

Good luck to everyone and especially to those who have their exams tomorrow!


[ 7:25 ] damn, he helped me with the 3-4 friends thing. He knew I don't have friends.


Mr. Modi to Biden:
How do you manage to grow your country so nicely . . ????

Biden: It's because of Indians . . .

Mr. Modi shocked :
How because of Indians . . ?

Biden : Indian govt give jobs to *Reserved Indians* and
we give the jobs to the *Deserved Indians..*


20:47 I was looking at slides and suddenly he said to look at him 😂I was shocked af at that How did he know I was looking at U are genius man😂


Finally found someone who can teach me with my speed and language. Thanks a lot sir.


He understands our minds and emotions easily 😅⚡🔥


There is a trisk for converting km/h into m/s = x × 5÷18 ( x = the value you want to change into m/s )
For converting m/s into km/h just do the opposite = x × 18÷5
Hope this helps you guys


This teacher is like - phir chahe exam sar par kyu na hopar load nahi lene denge.


All Timestaps if u are looking for explanation of a particular topic :
3:06 Lecture starts/What is physics
5:17 Physical quantities - Scalar & Vector
10:21 What is a unit?
14:23 What is Motion?
20:37 Types of motion - Linear
21:27 Types of motion - Circulatory
22:09 Types of motion - Oscillatory
22:45 Quantities - Distance & Displacement
31:02 Speed & Velocity
33:30 Uniform & Non-Uniform motion
35:38 Average Speed & Average Velocity formulae
38:52 What is Acceleration?
43:05 Time Graphs
43:29 Body at rest time graphs
45:43 Body in uniform motion time graph
48:03 Body in uniform acceleration time graph
50:30 Kinematic Equations
52:33 Graphical Diveration
1:03:29 Numerical deviration
1:03:43 Circular motion


13:58 it is "SI" because the fullform of SI in french is "Système International d'Unités"... it's meaning in english is "International System of Units"


To see the importance of time, I recommend people to see the video from 3:00😂😂😂😂😂


Legends coming 1 day before exam for 40 marks MCQ 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was really stressed for my exam and i randomly clicked on your vid and it was fantabulous and while watching your vid i was so calm and chilled thanks bro you earned a sub :)


First time I see this type of teacher ❤❤ what a teacher no words for him
Best teacher in the world
Thank u sir for making our study so easy


I learnt vector quantity by double vector this is a guns name it is very powerful so It has 2 things and more powerful than scalar quantity 😂😂. LOL


U- Initial velocity
S- Displacement
A- Acceleration
V - Final velocity

Let's celebrate UTSAV ( Tip for learning all five values for kinematic equation)
