git good with Chris! - git push (push it real good)
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Today we'll be talking all about git push (at a high level), what it is - what it does - how to work it - and more!
I've included a companion repository that you can fork and try out the git push command for yourself!
#git #github #tutorial #githubtutorials
I've included a companion repository that you can fork and try out the git push command for yourself!
#git #github #tutorial #githubtutorials
git good with Chris! - git clone
git good with Chris! - how to do a pull request
git good with Chris! - actions: how to enforce linting!
git good with Chris! - what even is a branch?
git Good with Chris! - how to git pull (simple case)
git good with Chris! - what is a 'remote'?
git Good with Chris! - quick hit: how to do a pull request
git good with Chris! - git revert AKA CTRL+Z +++
git good with Chris! - git push (push it real good)
git good with Chris! - what problem does git solve?
git good with Chris! - git init, add, and commit
git good with Chris! - resolving merge conflicts
git good with Chris! - real example: syncing a fork to upstream
git good with Chris! - bookeeping: adding SSH key pairs to GitHub!
git good with Chris! - seeing past our git differences (how to use git diff)
git good with Chris! - git stash all your cares away! (just don't accidentally drop them)
git good with Chirs! - what is forking, and why should i do it?
gitgood with Chris! - how to git fetch and merge
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