How To Attract A Perfect 10 And Keep Her Around

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Attracting a "perfect 10" is the most satisfying “work” you’ll ever do. Why? Because when you develop yourself into your most attractive and challenging version, not only will you love yourself, 10's will too.

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Great vid! Love your stuff, podcast is awesome. I was thinking, you should do a video on the right way to "slide into the DMs" without being creepy, that would be interesting and helpful. Keep doing what you do, you do it better than anyone else


guys this is some solid information from tripp and as soon as you realize that you have to be a 10 in order to attract a 10 then you'll be able to even move forward with attraction


One man's 10 is another man's 7..Each guy has his own preference that can influence what a 10 is..I like this girl who to me is a 10, but my friends think she is pretty but nothing special. I guess this is a good thing.


This isnt the best advice, but it is REALITIC advice. Thanks tripp


Excellent advice. And being a "perfect 10" is too much work, so I never made "perfect 10" girls a such priority. A "perfect t0" girl only looks like that from a distance. Once you get to know her, you get used to her face, her looks, and you will perceive her just as a pretty girl, one of many. All that 10-ness quickly dissipates in a relationship, and then other girls might start looking prettier to you. Crazy how that works. In the long run, what matters is how well you get along.


Good reminder there! :) Thanks for sharing


This is true. You have to be amazing if you want to attract amazing.


So I met this girl that I think is absolutely beautiful, I got her number and we talked non stop for a week and then i asked her on a date, and before that I went to one of her softball games and after the game she ran up and hugged me! Well then we make a movie date and she goes out of her way at 6:00pm and drove 45 minutes just to watch a movie with me. During the previews we talked and kept eye contact the whole time! Well after the movie we went out to her car and she hugged me and said we should hang out again... So I thought awsome! She wants to see me again. Well on Monday I texted her and she room forever to respond, then Tuesday we talked for about 30 minutes via text. Well after this last Tuesday she has only replied to me once and said "sorry I've been a bad texted lately... I've been super busy...." Well obviously that's her saying she is done talking with me... But I don't get why in the fuck she was so happy to talk to me and see a movie with me and have her go to her softball games but all of a sudden just stops replying to my texts.... Tripp I need help bad!!! Anyone please help me, I don't want her to go away! I think she is perfect and I love everything about her!!!!


Is the negative 1 a zombie? Jk, i love your videos.


Hey tripp can you please make a video of Goodmorning text messages thanks


So there's this girl I like and she just got out of a long term relationship and that was really hard. And I got to wait a little for her to forget about it. I'm currently talking to her but over text. I want to go up to her and talk to her but I feel like her friends don't like me. So what should I do. I have one class with her and in that class there's no time to wander around and go talk to her. And at lunch she wants to sit with her friends. Any advise/tips you can give me


Hi tripp! Ok so about so about a year or two year in 8 grade i had a friend that took my phone and I liked this girl i followed her on facebook and she followed me back etc. well long story short when ever someone has a phone number on facebook it saves to your contacts well my friend was going through my contacts and found her number and without me knowing he took it and texted her that day that i gave him her number. The next morning she comes up to me and says why am i giving peoples numbers out blah blah blah. I kinda just let her go because i didn't know how to deal with the situation even though I said sorry. Well now I'm tenth grade the year is almost done, the whole she was in my french class i didn't approach her because of that incident. And, now i like her again and wish to know how to get her interested in me. Umm idk if this is a sign, but i was giving her a paper in class and she kept her eyes straight looking at me idk if this is a signal.


Hey Tripp could you please make a video on Good night text messages or just tell me a good one please


I was friend-zoned,   told me that she has a boyfriend and he his important for her. But one her Facebook her relation post is as " in a open relationship" she has not deleted me on Facebook and still see her occasionally. Can I still make it possible to attract her again? I know she had an attraction for me before but I think I kill it by sounding to needy over the text messages.


Yo tripp I am a good at talking to guys but I always seem to fuck it up with girls and they try to talk and I have no idea how to what's should I do


Did you seriously say, "Dramatic Pause"?


Do you realize that not everyone can be a 10. Yes one can work out, get cosmetic enhancements and gain confidence, but for people with little money it may be EXTREMELY difficult or IMPOSSIBLE. The guy who is in the Deez nuts video would need to spend at least $20, 000 on reconstructive surgery, assuming he has the money. One who weight 450 pounds would need liposuction and then excess skin removal to look fit. So being a 10 would only be possible if you are rich. If you are poor, then you are basically SCREWED.
