Kind of Sad

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seeya later.
(You're pretty rad)

Thanks for listening. *hugs*
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Sorry for the kind of downer video but thanks for being here!


thank you for your kind words, Jake! I hope you feel better soon!


"I love you."

*feels that warm tingly feeling inside of me* We love you too, Jake.


"Don't look at that, that's a surprise." *pauses and rewinds video*


I was going to say that you're going to have to change your entire wardrobe for California weather, but then I remembered you only own a single T-shirt ;)


Hey I saw my art in this video that's so cool! I'm sorry you're sad but hopefully when you get to LA it'll all turn out okay! You can do it Jake!


I like these little snapshots of Jake :D Every new video makes him more and more human as apposed to some distant being in Hollywood or something. Feels like you've known him forever :]. Keep up the good work Jake, sounds like you know what to do already, so you've just got to tackle the hard part of doing it =)


I've been away from my home country; newzealand for a while now... I think around 4 years... Whenever I go back it's all very faintly similar, but I've changed and it bothers me that I've had a change and let where I come from stay the same. When I move back in 4 years or so, I'm going to have to do the major adjust so I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm always here for free hugs, jake. I must warn however that I'm quite the biter :)


I know what you mean, I've had times where I've felt very melancholic. It passes with time and the best things I have found that help are sleep and distractions. Good luck man and I love what you do!


Totally know how you feel. Just 2 months ago, I moved down from Vancouver, Canada to Oregon to attend a graduate program down here and... yeah. My brain says "awesome, this is an amazing opportunity, I'm finally on my own doing what I've always wanted to do, life is great." while my heart just wants to be back in Vancouver. I miss my friends, my family's house, the food, everything about it. I've even been back twice since coming down, which actually made things worse i think.

All i can really say is... you're not alone and I hear what you're saying - have always loved your stuff but if you need a break, take it. Everyone needs a breather, especially when things are looking a bit more down. All the best.


Dude, I know how you feel 5000%. We recently relocated to Florida from a small, boring, dry town in Kentucky. I was born, raised and grew up there for 21 years. Every family member, every friend i've ever known and made is in Kentucky. Sometimes I'll literally have this wave of depression thinking to myself that i'm all alone and away from th normal life I'm use to. If I ever went back without moving there permanently, i'm sure i'd break down and cry tbh.


Hope you're doing well jake! Thanks for printing my work and stick it on your wall! *sobs* hope you enjoying ur trip to NY! 💖💖💖💖


when he said I love you. I was like, I love you too. so so sooo much


oh, let me add the final caption for you.

see you later
(we're pretty darn awesome)

yeah, you are too


I really like how open you were during this video. I know moving to the other side of the country is difficult and not a lot of people talk about how sad it can be to leave your life behind. THUS I think it was brave of you to share this much with us. I really appreciate it, and it really hits home because I know in a few months I will also be moving to LA.

ALSO I love how random your thoughts are, it is really adorable.
"I love you...but yea...I mean I hope that is not weird" "I forgot that I can't cut..."

Good Luck Jake


I know that feeling, man. I felt it when I went back to my college for homecoming last year. I was simultaneously very happy to be back, but sad that that period of my life was over. I no longer felt like it was mine. But as you said, the feeling passes. I hope you're feeling better now.


I've always felt very connected to you and to the things that you say and this really hits home. About a week ago I moved from where I've lived my entire life in with my dad that I've never really known and I have to go back to visit where I once lived in about 2 weeks which I can tell is going to make it hell. I really really really relate to this video with all of my heart. Life will get so good and new york will always be there, it isnt going anywhere!!!! :)


I'll continue to say it,

You're a really swell fellow. You do a solid job inspiring and encouraging people, including myself, to create and always push to be a better human-person. I think that's pretty cool.

I, as an aspiring cinematographer, and as a person, hope to inspire folks to see the beauty in the little things as well as the big. To think deeply about things and not to just leave things at how they see them or to the way it's told to them. To feel loved and empowered to take on the daily hardships and stresses we face as people living with other people.

I'm rambling a bit now, but anyway, I love what you do and I'd love to talk sometime if you had a moment.

Thanks for reading. (if you did...)


I love these raw, unedited and personal videos.


The best thing about your hometown is that no matter where you go or how long you're away, it's still there waiting. And sometimes that distance will give you a newfound sense of appreciation that you never had before, and that's a wonderful thing. Saying "good bye" to places you love isn't good for the soul, but "see you again soon" can be.
