Watch THIS BEFORE Your ARCHERY ELK HUNT Un-Cut, Un-Edited Advice

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Hunting elk on public land on easy-to-draw or otc tags is the toughest hunting there is. In this video I go over a few pieces of advice that will help you enjoy and succeed in that type of elk hunting. Good luck out there!

#hunting #elkhunting #archeryhunting #muledeerhunting #backpackhunting #adventure #selfreliance #pursuitwithcliff



*Cliff no longer takes on new guided hunt or expedition clients. He sold all operating outfitting/guiding businesses prior to 2021.
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I love your honesty and reality! Here is my dose of reality...As a native Coloradan and lifelong hunter, I can attest to the fact that over the last several years the number of hunters in Colorado has become a major detriment to the overall experience. I believe that the social media craze of backcountry hunting videos has done a great disservice to the expectations and behaviors of elk and deer hunters in general. Too many of the non-resident hunters that I meet in the woods have arrived with high expectations of calling in giant bulls and filling their tags only to go home empty and thousands of dollars poorer. I know first hand that many of the influencers out there are not hunting public land OTC or even OTC units. Much of what you see is shot on private land by paying for land owner tags in OTC units. I have witnessed first hand the migration of elk to private land the day before the season opens when all of the trucks and campers are piling into the forest. My rancher friend and I watched as elk would jump his fences and pile into his property as these trucks and RVs drove through the public access on his land which borders Flat Tops wilderness and forest service property. The introduction of wolves into this area will just exacerbate the problem. If everyone were to watch your videos there might be less disappointed souls in the woods each year.


I’ve never heard anyone address the “anxious” or “panicked” feeling on YouTube or hunting forums before. It’s very real! I get it worse solo hunting which sucks because solo hunting is awesome. Having unlimited texting on the garmin helps and sometimes going into town for a burger can completely dissolve the negative mood.


That’s so real. I turned 61 this year. I’ve been doing self guided pack in archery hunts in CO from OH for the last 16 years. Mostly OTC with a few low point draw units in there. It’s so hard and nearly all mental. I took a 320” bull off a CO OTC unit at treeline in 2020. I definitely put my time in but I also know very few people score a 300” bull in CO on a OTC unit. The crazy thing is I’ve seen 300” bulls on at least 1/2 of those years. But getting close is a totally different story. And I’ve seen so many people suffer through that mental breakdown a couple days into a hunt. Your comments on this short video are so spot on. Thanks! PS it’s all about the experience for me. Sept in the mountains is the best thing ever. I just want to be there.


Your opinion at the end is 100% how I’ve hunted for the last 20 years. You can’t eat antlers and any successful hunt is one to be proud of. I am raising my kids the same way and when people ask for advice I explain that same thing to every new and seasoned hunter alike. Any legal animal taken is a hell of a story. Be proud of that animal regardless of antler size. It’s all about the meat we eat all year, our time in the field and hunting with ethics. I personally avoid cows and does after harsh winter years but when there’s a good strong population the arrows fly.

I have been binge watching this awesome channel. Thanks Cliff.


Really like the straight forward non edited. Straight to the dam point.


this why I tell everyone who's planning on OTC diy to watch your stuff.


Cliff, I agree with most of the others in the comments that this is my preferred style. It feels like you are talking, sharing, more on a personal level. This video is one of my favorites. I love your description of 'the perfect hunt'; "lip bawling in your face as you frontal shoot them perfectly and the blood squirts out all over the place and he head plants in front of you and rolls over so you can gut him..." LOL. Hilarious!
Awesome stuff.
Love your videos.
Good luck on your hunts and a sincere thank you for all the straight-up advice and hard-earned knowledge.

Al in St. George


Cliff, I can only speak for myself but I'm a pretty good Hunter with many trophy quality public land kills in my album.

You're one of the few guys on YouTube. I can actually learn something new from.

I don't care what gear your.wearing. How cool you look against the background, the setting the script. If you can teach me something new I am riveted. Thank you for all the advice and I look forward to using your advice this fall and many falls in the future.

I am going into two new units this year in Oregon mule deer in Southern Oregon in the unit called Keno, and elk in Keating Oregon. I found your videos on glassing and scouting to be extremely helpful. Thanks again!.


Watching all your videos, practicing, and applying what you share and explain has been more valuable than wandering around in the woods for the last decade. I've applied your logic and positive mental attitude and have harvested 3 bull elk in the last 3 years. Keep up the great content and keep telling people how it is going to go. Good work.


Totally agree that a bull literally knows what bush you are calling from, seen it happen where you stop calling and they literally stand where you were. But don’t agree on them not liking to go up hill. You do it right they don’t care. But calling I. The right cover is always better than spot and stalk


#reality I love Cliff’s approach. This is not meant to be negative but an approach that is in your face the moment you head out into the mountains. Power through with a great attitude and hunt till it’s over as in the season is done or if your time doesn’t allow it. These animals (elk) have been doing this way longer than you and it takes determined diligence to tag out. Very real, if I could have told myself back then I would have said first: relax and enjoy, then gain knowledge and wisdom about hunting. Be safe and enjoy! It’s about the experience 👍🏻😃


Thanks again for the awesome content. Don’t change a thing about how you present your information. You’re way of doing it is far more relatable than a lot of the other channels out there. Much appreciated. Good luck this season.


This is one of my favorite episodes. It's like hanging out with your favorite uncle while he shares his decades of hunting experience with you. Name it Coffee with Uncle Cliff and make it a regular feature!


Appreciate the data-driven and experience-based advice. Us newbies are still in the good ol' days too with videos like this! Nothing replaces getting out there, but saves a lot of potential time/frustration having these tips heading in.


Great info! Watching your videos and your knowledge since I found you here is great! Oregon bow hunter here, and I have been hunting Elk (and Deer) my whole life...I said hunting...LOL. Harvesting of course is always an experience of a successful hunt that we cherish in our souls for sure! And we thank God for that! Taking a life of any creature on this Earth, is, I guess, what God has provided for you to survive, and live...I will always have an emotional time with that, and of course...I always have a prayer if I was lucky enough to gain a harvest...I lost my 'blood brother' more than 25 years ago, now. He and I were just tactical Elk finders...And we were great to make a setup that just worked the Elk...I always have a spiritual moment for him the night before opening day in my camp, of only now to forever be the 'Lone Wolf'. My Elk hunts are now just myself...Now...Missing a part of me and not having him makes it so much harder of the years, past...We always learn a lesson in the woods. The "Wapiti" is such a mystical creature, and will so show you, your weakness and your faults...And, they can take you for a ride for sure! I've fallen down cliffs to pursue them...They have led me into places that I so needed a machete to get out of...Places in the woods where I have felt kinda scared at moments...I sometimes realize that I feel the grip of my 44 Mag on my side...The quest has always been so real...And undeniable...Man is supposed to be the ultimate creature on this Earth...But in the woods, he is just another predator, or prey to another..."What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". Sorry so long, but I hope you read this...MaHalo! "I venture among the trees"


I live in the East and traveled 10 years to Colorado for archery elk hunts on public OTC. What you describe as becoming anxious has always been around day 5 for me. I believe it is the lack of being social and having outside stimulus from people, radios, TV and vehicle traffic. You come from an environment that is full of stimulus for your brain. Several days without that stimulus and being in big mountains with huge space and silence is difficult to adjust to. I take Zanax with me and plan to travel into a town after a few days. Also, the change of sleep, exhaustion and constant exercise will wear you down physically. Take the mental affect with the physical affects it can and will create anxiety and depression. We killed 8 bull elk and 1 cow in 10 years on public land, DIY. Love the hunt!


The little pockets on the pressured backcountry was spot on brother.
They find little fingers to settle in!
Hunt smarter, not harder...


Edits happen who cares, you're info and knowledge is hard earned and priceless. Over the counter tags are tough and often low percentage of success. Don't let the mental game take you out, hunt your ass off. Your info is the best keep it coming. Just turned 72 and still able to day hunt 1-2 miles from the road, 50 plus years of elk hunting and every one has been a blast. Accept nothing less.


I just want to say THANK YOU Cliff!! The content you're putting out for us is invaluable and I really appreciate it! As a Eastern Whitetail hunter in my 50s with two unsuccessful DIY elk hunts under my belt I feel like the clock is ticking. Anything I can do and/or learn to up the odds before these knees and back can't climb the mountain anymore is golden! Have a great season! 🏹👊


This may be the most helpful video about elk hunting I have ever seen. Thanks, Cliff.
