Do we use REVIT or ARCHICAD? Well, that is an easy one to answer...

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Revit and ArchiCad are the two main "BIM" software solutions on the market. We are often asked which one we use/prefer while we work on some of the world`s largest and geometrically most complex objects. From our side, that question is very easy to answer...


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#BIM #Revit #archicad

Milos Dimcic
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This is the first video I've seen from this channel. The detail and scope are just incredible! Thank you for the glimpse into how and what you do!


Did automated fabrication for a building we designed in 2005, called it file to factory, watched BIM become the dumping ground for datarot since. Insane to see you still deal with the same uphill battle. Keep up the good fight !


Interesting perspective. Feels like the architecture equivalent of game companies that develop their own engines from scratch


I'm an architect and it seems you run a cnc shop not an architecture firm.


Very good estrategy! Thank you for sharing your workflow


How do you guys do to present client plans, cuts and all paper needed for municipality approbation, etc?


Very helpful video, people ask these questions alot, sometimes they give you a condition on knowing either software before being a job


I would love to know, which plugins you are using or is everything custom programmed?


Hi Milos. Thanks for the video and the insight. BTW: Wusste nicht, dass du aus Deutschland kommst ;)
I absolutely understand what you're doing and why you're not needing a BIM-Software. Revit or Archicad wouldn't even be able to create these parametric structures. Nothing would work without Rhino. But I also have to add, that these projects are kinda like a world for itself. We are doing a lot of "normal" BIM Projects and therefore it's mandatory to use the ifc-psets. The reason is simply, that a wall, window, roof etc. in program X also appears as wall, window, roof etc. in program Y. You probably don't need that because everything at your projects is a "special" structure and couldn't be sorted into a classic ifc-pset.
I'm excited about your 2 Mrd project. Keep on doing that great content!


Love the motivation. It would be great for quick little tutorials Eg rhinocommon sample for building an auto timber stud wall from a curve input for example. This could be the bridge between big complex buildings and the average Joe’s needs. Also rule out or in if this approach is useful for the common place.


So this was all done using vanilla rhino? Or do you use extensions as well


If you are going to design architecture with a good pencil, it is enough.
If you are going to design parts for manufacturing up to a hardware level, then I don't think you are thinking about architecture.
Time is short, you choose, you want to design architecture or fight with the manufacturer with your CNC file.
The majority of people who use bim will hardly do projects of extreme complexity, it is tempting to think of millions of dollars, but in projects like this one reaches a level of even creating software to be able to manufacture the pieces, as an example of the architecture of the master Frank O Gehry.
Only a few firms are in those big leagues in which not only architects but also expert programmers participate.
I liked the video 👍, I respect the point of view, but it does not apply to my modest life. My respect to the users who work with Rhino on those impressive and complex models.


Thanks for bringing us up to speed with your workflow.


Do you have a course that teaches the basics? I know nothing about Rhino and I would like to know more so I can use it in my architectural practice with a ArchiCAD.


i really apreciate your help with dowloanding this software


Weird...In architecture and construction, nothing goes without references, quality management certificates, proof of having a staff that matches the project size and last but not least proof of solid financials.

Tell me how exactly a 6 people online company like yours participate in billion dollar projects in the scope you tell us here. On your webpage, project "details" are like 2 sentences and they have nothing in common with "project details" references I know in the industry.


BIM hype is great for software monopolies revenues, not for actual progress. There is almost no innovation or invention coming from those companies. On the other hand they recieve huge influx of money from enforced subscriptions because customer is a hostage without many choices.


I thought you were using CATIA 3DExperience Platform ? can you clarify?


this video is entirely misleading
a small percentage of our projects is that complex and we need some other more intuitive software for daily-to-day projects...
and in some projects like infrastructures, hospitals, and big residential complexes, it is not about the beauty of the model it is about the data...
I think the only goal of this video is to sell rhino courses
Rhino is great and powerful but NOT on the data side
Time is short, choose whatever you want, but if you want to work in BIM rules, definitely you will need Revit or Archicad


Great, my brain just exploded thinking about all the necessary parts required to build such a large project! 🤪😵🤣
