Dalle-2 is the end of all creative people. Or is it?

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Are you ready to be blown away and scared a little? Meet DALL·E 2 by Open AI! DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
In this video, we will cover what Dalle-e 2 can and can't do. The impact on marketing and artists around the world and… I introduce China’s AI on the rise which is 10x more powerful than GPT-3 on which Dalle-2 is built.

00:00 Introducing DALL·E 2
00:45 What is DALL·E 2?
01:28 DALL·E 2 Capabilities
01:57 DALL·E 2 Limitations and Issues
02:50 DALL·E 2 Research project
03:14 The impact on the creative economy
03:47 Impact on Marketing and Advertisement
05:02 The future of DALL·E 2
05:25 The role of creative people in the society
06:26 China's most powerful AI
07:24 What can YOU do about this?

How do you feel about this? Are you excited, scared, looking to change career…or want to try DALL·E 2 yourself?


Thank you for watching,
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I just wanted to say thank you for all of you sharing your thoughts and insight in the comment section. I recently started this channel and I was scared for so long to put out my thoughts in the open. But this.. having all this conversations is one of the reasons I started. I am humbled and incredible grateful for everyone taking time to watch and comment ❤🧡💛


I am both impressed, blown away, curious, divided and slightly scared about this. Emotion cocktail. How do you feel about Dall-e 2? 😇


For 95% of the needs, AI Images are sufficient. If someone needs high quality, it still has to be handmade.
In the same way, like the Game-developers of "Rollercoaster Tycoon" decided, to program their game completely in assembly.
Or the difference between self-cooking and convenience food.


Loved this video! First want to say thank you for the shoutout and mention of my work.

Secondly holy f*ck this is scary but so cool at the same time. I think one of the main things especially as an artist finding the right images can take hours or work!! So this will definitely be a time saver.

One thing as well AI won’t be able to take away a humans mind. Hopefully anyway…


The goal of modern art since the fifties has been to transcend something that can be described by words. There was photography, there was video, and artists had to move beyond and transcend, and they did. Pollock, Kirby, Picasso, Ditko, insert other originals here, they all found new styles that transcended photo and video, and now artists will have to transcend the Dall-E. Now, will be no different. Dalle E is a cool gadget but I'm not convinced its a game changer. There's already so many images that one can access that I don't really see Dall-E as much more than google images on steroids. Again, its cool but too easy and ultimately too disposable, not to mention super tacky, and no amount of improvement will change that. Art is the balance of sweet and sour, not just non stop sweet, if there's no effort going into it then its worthless. I think people should responsibly pursue their creative dreams and not spend spend a second giving a crap about the Dall-E. Plus people aren't taking into account all the real world practical issues that a company could run into using an AI. Cashiers could be fully automated by now but most places don't use them because the job is actually much more dynamic than just ringing items up.


I'm still angry, and sceard because of this AI. I'm an artist, and want to work with eather illustration, animation, or paeloart. But both graphic designers, and animaters are already under payd, work in bad working conditions, overwhealmed, mistreated in the work place, with long working hourse. This will just worse the already bad situation. I hope indi game, animation, and art industry can survive, because there is a chance that, that will be what we can only do for a living. But to be fair, I already have a really bad openion on most big gaming, and animation companys, expecially the animation companies, because it's well known, that they don't treat they animaters, who are artists, as people, they triet them more like robot (*chough* *chough* Netflix and a lot of Japanise animation studios *chough*), and because of it I have a love for indi projects. If this really will replace graphic design, then my job options will be very limited, because I have struggles with grammar, and math (expecially math, I even have a papir about it, and I have been free from learning math because of it), so If that's happen, then I eather have to make a book, with my illustrations (I would actualy glady do that, even if there is no AI) with self publishing, or be a housewife. Or maybe I'm just overthinking, and overreacting like I always do. (Sorry for the grammar, and spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.)


I've seen this take a few times: creatives of the future will be art directors of AI. The people who give the take don't seem to realise how dystopian it is. Artists don't want to be prompt engineers, we want to create things, our own work, and be paid for it. I don't want to tweak AI illustrations for a living. If this is what it comes to the job will be pointless for us - we may as well just go do something else and make art in our spare time since what we're doing for work is no longer really art. There will be a bunch more people relegated to doing work that they hate for a living.

Depressing as fuck.

Also, for the non artists who say things like 'I can't draw but finally i can thanks to AI!': No, sorry. Typing out an order is not art-making, and once the adrenaline rush of those first few startling images wear off you'll push the button over and over, like a rat pushing a lever for a pellet, and that will be your 'creativity'. All you've done is segregate yourself from the possibility of creating your own work, of giving the world your own vision. You will feel hollow and you will know why, but the AI's work will be so much 'better' than anything you do on your own you will feel like you have to continue using it. How else could you compete with the other 'artists'?

I say all this as someone who has tried MidJourney, and stared into the abyss. This is not good. None of this is good, at all.


Is representing builders as men and flight attendants as women "biased misrepresentation" or rather is it an accurate reflection of the actual propensity of these genders in these professions?


It still sucks because it essentially has taken the art out of art-making. Most artists these days will just be managers and clean-up crews for these things. I guess just like everybody else. The opportunity to actually design your own world and get paid big bucks for it was limited when they were here and they are soon to be gone. one thing is for sure artists will never catch a break. also why did the AI community give us this. nobody asked for this fucking machine and yet it's here. then again this is the century humanity dies. between climate change, ai, or the eventual accidental mishap with our global nuclear missile supply. one thing is for certain our days are numbered and they are bleak.


I repeat it again: now the AI ​​is restricted from doing things that are violent, bloody, sexual or whatever we consider bad or unpleasant. But it won't be long until someone can actually do those things with AI. For me, it is an unnecessary restriction or rather, too idealistic. I am not against putting certain restrictions or limits, for everything you have to have those things, but censoring or avoiding what I mentioned before, everything related to the "undesirable", is simply impossible or unlikely. It's like that paradox of the knife: it's dangerous but we can't be without it, regardless of whether it's used for good or bad because it's just a tool, it's up to us to use it as we want, but that just depends on each one of us.


I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream: the book is coming to life before our eyes 😭


I am a musician and producer from the way back. Tape, one machine.. primative sync. I was replaced, and my replacements were replaced. The replacements who replaced the replacements have no culture, but people love monotony and clean bass masters.


Fantastic video Goda! Loved the hook. I learned something new today :)


Most informativ video about this topic I've seen yet! Always cool to find such small high quality channels


I think these tools will create new avenues of creation that people could never have imagine. I do think it is really important that we use these technologies for the right things and that the gains from them are distributed equitably. These new technologies that are beginning to rival and will soon outpace human capabilities will replace a large portion if not all of non-physical labor, our economy as it is now will not work when no-one has jobs.


If you want to be fair in your comparison you should describe your creations in one short statement and see what Dall-e 2 comes up with....


2:00 "...by design, OpenAI limited Dall-e 2 to create harmful, violent or adult images...": THIS IS INCORRECT: What OpenAI did was exactly the opposite: it limited Dall-e 2 so that it WOULDN'T create those types of images.


Woooo la la! Look at Goda!! Love the production value! So many elements changed! The thumbnail is fierce! Keeping things so interesting! That sparkle in your eyes! On fire! The content is really interesting and can definitely see your effort in researching. Not to forget the rabbit is back! IN This video is defo pushing you to your first 3 digit! Well done! Very proud of you!!! Great job! Keep it coming please! 🎆


The more I hear about Dalle-2, the more amazed I am 🤩


less input for more output; is this good in this case?
