Easy DIY repair damage vinyl siding & fences. USA made patch kit complete with center reinforcement

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Stepsaver Products self-adhesive Vinyl Repair Patch kit makes easy work of damaged and cracked vinyl siding and fences. Simply wipe the area in need of repair to be sure it is clean, dry and nothing is protruding. You can pick an appropriate size patch, or cut to the size needed. Be sure to use the Center Reinforcement Patch to repair larger holes and cracks, then top it with the Vinyl top patch. You can paint the patch to match your siding if needed. Hail damaged siding, no problem. Hail damaged vinyl fence, easy to repair. Stepsaver Products has been USA manufacturing self-adhesive paint ready repair since 1999.

Packs offer a variety of size patches as well as various numbers of patches. The Vinyl Repair Patch Rolls come in 5 inch x 6 foot, and have a 3’ x 4” Center Reinforcement Patch Roll too.

Hail damaged siding
Hail damaged vinyl fence
Cracks in vinyl siding
Holes in siding
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I bought this product off of Amazon. My problem is the patches won’t stick to my skirting. I cleaned the area and let it dry. When I tried to cover some of my holes, I had no success. Can anyone give me suggestions. I just paid 3500.00 for my skirting but my son came with the weed wacker and tore gashes into my brand new skirting.
