Python Tutorial: CSV Module - How to Read, Parse, and Write CSV Files? - ALL CRUD Operations

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In this tutorial, I explained how to access and work with CSV Datasets using Python.

You will learn all the things from Basics to Advanced like Adding New Row, Updating a Cell, Deleting a Column and even Merging Columns.

Contents Covered:
1) Creating a New CSV File - 01:07
2) Creating a New CSV File (Recommended way) - 03:56
3) Adding a new Row - 04:16
4) Configuring the LineTerminator (Removing the Empty Rows) - 07:10
5) Adding Multiple Rows at the same time - 08:32
6) Configuring the Column Delimiter - 09:31
7) Reading Data from a CSV File (Using String Methods) - 10:57
8) Reading Data from a CSV File (Using reader object) - 13:42
9) Configuring the Column Delimiter (when reading) - 14:41
10) Reading for Multiple Times - 14:51
11) Adding a new Row (using DictWriter) - 16:21
12) Adding Header (using DictWriter) - 18:39
13) Delete a Cell - 20:51
14) Adding Multiple Rows (using DictWriter) -21:58
15) Read Data (using DictReader) - 22:24
16) Update - Add new Rows - 23:50
17) Update - Edit Cell Value - 24:51
17.1) Update into a new File - 26:08
17.2) Update - Technique 1 - 27:40
17.3) Update - Technique 2 - Using Temporary File - 28:39
17.3.1) Creating a Temporary File - 28:47
17.3.2) Preventing auto-delete of our Temporary File - 30:20
17.3.3) Update using Temporary File - 31:11
17.3.4) Creating a Temporary File (using with) - 32:18
18) Update an Entire Row - 32:45
19) Delete Columns and Merge Columns - 33:18
20) Delete an Entire Row - 34:30
21) Delete a CSV File - 35:33

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First, your instrumental took from me almost 25 mins of enjoyment on my own keyboard before I get into file handling XD
Thanks, buddy :-)


Hi Balaji, Thank you for making this video. This is super helpful. I need your tips on how to extract the contents of a text file with no delimiter and save it to a csv file. The text file has no header, but I have the layout of the data in the text file.


My next video will be on Python Image Processing


How to copy bunch of data from One Excel sheet to another Excel specific Sheet
For Example:
Copy data from Excel "A" and
Paste it to Excel "Sports", Sheet_name "Cricket"
(Lets assume there are many sheet_names like : Football, Volleyball, Cricket, Hockey)
