God’s Seven Biblical Holy Days and Festivals | His Favorite Days of the Year

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In this comprehensive video, we explore the profound meanings behind the biblical holy days and festivals as revealed in the New Testament. These festivals are integral to understanding God's Plan of Salvation for mankind. Each of the seven festivals represents a major step in this divine plan, offering a roadmap to understanding what God is doing in the world and where we stand in Bible prophecy.

Passover: The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ
The first biblical festival of the year is Passover, pointing to Jesus Christ's sacrifice and the forgiveness of sins through His shed blood. In ancient Israel, the Passover lamb's blood protected the Israelites, foreshadowing Christ's sacrifice as the Lamb of God, as stated in 1 Corinthians 5:7 and Revelation 13:8. Jesus introduced the symbols of bread and wine during His last Passover.

Days of Unleavened Bread: Removing Sin and Embracing Righteousness
The second festival, the Days of Unleavened Bread, reminds believers to put sin out of their lives and grow in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Ancient Israelites removed leaven from their homes and ate unleavened bread, symbolizing the removal of sin and pursuit of spiritual purity. Jesus taught His followers to beware of the leaven of hypocrisy and sin.

Pentecost: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
The third festival, Pentecost, also known as the Feast of First Fruits or Feast of Weeks, marks when God's people receive His Holy Spirit. Acts 2 describes the disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit, symbolizing the start of the spiritual harvest. Peter's sermon led to many being baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit, highlighting its role in transforming believers.

Feast of Trumpets: Announcing Jesus’ Return
The fourth step in God's plan, the Feast of Trumpets, announces Jesus Christ's imminent return and the day of the Lord. In Revelation, the seven trumpets signal devastating judgments, culminating in Christ's return as King of Kings. The seventh trumpet heralds the kingdoms of the world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and the resurrection of the saints.

Day of Atonement: The Binding of Satan
The fifth festival, the Day of Atonement, signifies the removal of Satan, the deceiver, so humanity can be at one with God. Leviticus 16 describes the ritual involving two goats, one for the Lord and the other for the removal of sin and guilt, foreshadowing Satan's binding for a thousand years and eventual casting into the lake of fire, as depicted in Revelation 20.

Feast of Tabernacles: The Millennial Reign of Christ
The sixth festival, the Feast of Tabernacles, pictures the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ and His saints on earth, known as the Millennium. During this time, humanity will experience peace and prosperity, as God's Spirit is poured out on all who accept Jesus Christ. Scriptures like Jeremiah 31:33 and Isaiah 61 describe the restoration and rebuilding during this period.

The Last Great Day: The Final Judgment
The seventh and final step in God's plan is revealed by the Last Great Day, the eighth day following the Feast of Tabernacles. This day looks forward to the second resurrection and final judgment, where all who have ever lived will be given the opportunity to accept God's truth and receive salvation. Revelation 20 describes the great white throne judgment, emphasizing God's fairness and desire for all to come to repentance and salvation.

Through these seven festivals, we gain a comprehensive understanding of God's incredible plan for humanity, offering historical, prophetic, and practical guidance for living a righteous life. Observing these holy days helps believers align with God's will, drawing closer to Him and preparing for the ultimate fulfillment of His promises. We invite you to join us in exploring these profound truths and understanding your world through the pages of the Bible. Thank you for watching, and we hope this video has deepened your faith and knowledge of God's plan.

Questions that this video will answer.

1. What is the significance of the seven biblical festivals in God's Plan of Salvation?

2. How does Passover symbolize the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

3. What is the purpose of the Days of Unleavened Bread, and what do leaven and unleavened bread represent?

4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Feast of Pentecost?

5. What are the future implications of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day?

#BiblicalFestivals #PlanOfSalvation #HolyDays
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This video has given a wonderful clarification of the holy days. Coming from a different assembly, I had observed the holy days for quite awhile. However they were only rote activities, without much meaning. I observed them because I was told to do so and they were stated in Leviticus of the Bible. Still they had no real meaning in my heart. The Living Church of God brings it home with a genuine understanding that is so simple. There is now hope and something to look forward to. These holy days, done and observed correctly, with a sincere heart, based on these teachings, brings you closer to God and His Son, The Eternal. What a blessing. I will listen to this video over and over until my heart has it memorized. Thank you


I love you guys for teaching the truth, the truth will set us free...thank you.


Magnified Be The Name Of The LORD ! ! ! Blessed is He who comes in the name of The LORD ! ! ! Blessed be The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! ! ! Blessed be The GOD of Israel ! ! !


Thanks for this reminder of how wonderful God's Holy Days truly are! I truly love God's Holy Days and very much look forward to the loved ones I've lost and the ones I've never meant get their first chance to know the True God and his laws and statutes that make me very happy for them and though the sleep Jesus Christ will awaken them for that Great White Thrown judgement and I believe the majority not called now will have a life filled with joy after their repentance.


A very good outline as to the meaning and the need to keep God's holy days.


Praise to Abba YAHWEH in YESHUA HAMASHIAKH by His Holy Spirit reveald His truth to us.


I'm great full for being a part of Tomorrow's world for about 5yds and learning how to read the Bible with meaning what God say and want what to look for in those last days thank u Father for a your 🙌 AMEN 🙏


I am so blessed the hear and understand many scriptures!
It is not because of me being smart or wise, it is because the Almighty Creator has blessed the earth with ministers that have been given understanding and they share it freely.
Thank GOD for letting this Church of GOD keeping up the WORK.


I was just saying I haven't seen a TW Whiteboard for awhile. The animation upgrade is amazing


May GOD Bless Israel! Please pray for my mother Imelda and myself Jyoti for our HEALING -SPIRIT SOUL MIND BODY IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE. Pray for my mother Imelda for her Healing from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. Pray that GOD will destroy all the fiery darts of the evil one targeted against her.


The feasts of our Almighty as laid out in Leviticus are marvelous and of considerable significance for believers today.
While not on the same page of Tomorrow's World's understanding of the Day of Trumpets and Day of Atonement meanings, ..we should all feel convicted over being given the understanding that these appointed times are of special significance.


Bravo, yet again Tomorrow’s World! 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Thank you for the Bible study blessings ❤


Thank you so much for this, God's instructions made simple 😃😃😃😃👍!


Also the symbolism. When you look at the marking of the door post with blood in the the hebrew letter @0:39 which the symbol matches a hebrew letter "cheth" which translates to 'fence or separate.' So just by the symbol on the door post using that specific hebrew letter is not by chance. Now I am fascinated with looking for the hebrew letters any time God commands someone to mark a door post or to perform any type of markings in the bible. So by using that specific hebrew marking which is a hebrew letter of the hebrew alphabets, he was putting a "fence or separating" His people during the passover. God is very fascinating!


Beautiful work! Make a book for all us gentiles, nicely, clearly done. God bless.


Only issue I have is I believe that many will not come to God and will perish for they truly do not or can not accept the Father and keep His commandments.


Excellent reminders for all of us but mainstream christianity rejected.


What if you don't have a holy convocation this is frustrating.
