Roku Voice Remote Pro: Hands-free voice tips & tricks

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Enjoy one-touch control with personal shortcut buttons, lost remote finder, private listening with connected headphones (sold separately), and a rechargeable battery—all with our best remote. Plus, use hands-free voice commands to play entertainment, control your streaming, and power up your TV.

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I was just watching this video with both my TV and Roku powered up. My Voice Remote Pro, which is nearby, was trying to follow the example commands as this video was playing. The video actually turned on the beeping noise to locate my remote lol


I got this remote when roku was doing the beta program on it. And I love it. The best feature is the rechargeable battery. I was burning through aa batteries constantly using private listening. It's worth $29.99 all day


just got mine, works fine on my tcl roku tv. gettin another one for the bedroom. highly recommend. yep!


Has this remote been delayed ? (The link to buy doesn't work?)


We have had Roku for quite a while(meaning years) and recently misplaced our remote. After an exhaustive two week search, we bought a Remote Pro and a regular remote without ever finding our old remote. We have tried every which way that the instructions have directed us to get started up. We do not have our old remote to assist. Any suggestions on how we can get reconnected to our Smart TV?
We have now been without our TV for three weeks and we are feeling the withdrawal something fierce!


It's an ok remote but often times when the volume is even at a medium level on the tv, the remote won't hear me say "hey roku" and I have to repeat myself a few times.


Wish I could afford one for my Roku tv


I have a roku controler and it doesn, t have a micecrophone


The Roku Pro Remote I received doesn't work with the Hey Roku hands free commands unless I push the microphone button on and hold it and give a command. Not Hands Free at all. Buy the less expensive Roku that is not Hands free unless you want the rechargeable battery it comes with. No fix from Roku. The representative for Roku said to just hold the microphone button. Not the correct way of selling this when you are paying for a Hands Free Remote. May return since there is a 30day return policy.
