DevOps in a Highly Regulated Financial Infrastructure Company - SIX

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DevOps in a Highly Regulated Financial Infrastructure Company

Robert Scherrer, Head Application Engineering, SIX

SIX as the centre of the Swiss financial center adopts DevOps in a highly regulated environment. As the IT has to comply to requirements of a whole list of regulatory bodies from national financial authorities to PCI, the negotiation of a compromise was not an option. Therefore, security and audit representatives were involved from day one into the initiative. As many requirements can be covered by highly automatic DevOps processes, difficult topics have to be tackled with outmost care. As an example segregation of duty is handled by a bundle of measures including dissemination of roles, break-glass-procedures and immutable servers. The presentation gives a comprehensive overview of the challenges met and the way to overcome them and implement a DevOps culture.

DOES16 London
DevOps Enterprise Summit
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