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#gawrgura #hololiveen
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*[Gura’s* *Gambling* *Experience..]*
3:41:03-3:48:25 “This is Rigged!” *RIP:* 3:49:32

*[Members* *Met* *Today!]*
1:58:30 *1:* Pekora!
3:50:07/4:08:36 *2/3:* Ame and Mumei!
3:55:17 *4:* Scaring Roboco!

*[Ame/Mumei* *Moments!]*
4:00:47 Tour of Mumei's Crumbling Home!
4:03:31 Roboco’s Been shooting at Ame “She called me cute... and still shot at me.”
4:08:36 Pumpkin Flirting with Mumei
4:09:16 “GET OFF MY LAWN!!” - Ame
4:10:38 Ame's Present: *A* *Can* *Of* *Bloop!*
4:13:59 You’re gonna gun me down in my own home?”- Ame
4:15:19 *Ame:* “How'd you get up here? WTF? *Gura:* “Sharkour!”

*[Pekora* *Moments]*
1:55:34 Knock knock knock…
1:57:09 Checking who’s online: “Pekora’s online.. Oh dear.” ”
1:58:08 RIP The oldest Tree on the server
1:58:30 *Saying* *hi* *To* *Pekora!* (And her flamethrower)
2:01:28 Pekora Cuts down Gura's trees..
2:17:20 Arriving at Pekor's base "OK"
2:18:05 “Abunai”
2:19:08 "Merry Christmas!" / Long distance stare down

*[Horse* *Moments…]*
1:06:37 Gura bonding with her horse
1:27:00 Beginning to build the Ramp / stable…
1:33:34 Getting the Horse inside! *(Horse* *launching* *101)*
1:53:03 *“Please* *don’t* *be* *stuck…”*
1:54:03 “He’ll despawn”
2:13:18 Gura *Bonks* Horse No. 2
2:24:52 “Can You eat through the Window?”
2:25:10 *Horse* *No.* *2* *stuck..*
3:15:16 “Well looky who it is! Still stuck I see!" *(BONK)*

*[Bear* *Moments]*
1:13:42 Gura Scream!
2:33:45 Bear arrives on the scene! “He can't come inside here righht?”
2:34:29 Sniping The bear from above
3:10:09 *DEATH* *1* (Bear)
3:13:02 "Hello Mother**caaa - The bear
3:16:39 Gura whistle attempts / Calling out to the Bear
3:36:49 “You’d make a fine rug bear! I can’t wait to wear it around my _BARE_ skin!”
3:37:40 *Gura’s* *Disney* *facts!* -T*ddy- *Teddy* the bear!

*[Gura’s* *Animal* *Kills/Abuse]*
36:38 RIP Boar 1..
1:03:20 RIP Boar 2..
2:13:18/3:15:16 Horse Bonks
4:35:06 Chicken abuse “Go tell your friends”

*[Brief* *Musical* *Moments]*
5:00 Pirates of the Caribbean~
15:47/3:32:02 Mission Impossible!~
2:47:50 Country Roads~
4:30:38 I’m glad you came~
4:32:13 Everything is awesome~

*[BGM* *Changes]*
3:05:34 Gura’s Road Tunes!
3:14:04 Epic Battle Music
3:29:24 Funny Time Music
3:29:37 Funny Funny Music
3:29:48 The Tried and True Classic

*[Talking* *about* *what* *she* *did* *in* *RUST* *off-stream]*
2:25 Recapping her offline day in RUST with *Mumei, * *Polka* and *Ame!*
31:09 Gura found Kanata's house! *"I* *Found* *her* *Body~"*
59:20 How she crashed a *Minicopter* / Gambling Shark
1:11:59 Gura talks about *stalking* *Pekora’s* every move…
1:16:38 Found an Ocean castle furnace skin
2:32:00 Surprised how many kayaks and hazmat suits she's found
3:08:48/3:22:42 *Story* *Time:* Meeting *Suisei* in the dome! “I Just kinda watched”

*[A* *Few* *More* *Moments]*
8:16 Forgot what she’s was doing after Starting the stream
19:40 Gura reveals she stays lean to avoid floating
25:12 *Kronii* *in* *chat:* “bro nice how’s rust going?”
29:10 “How hostile are the others on stream?”
38:27 *The Perfect* *Neon* *Shark* *Door!*
54:20 *Gura's* *plan* *if* *someone* *tries* *to* *Kill* *her:*
54:53 "I come bringing fresh squeezed *Shark* *Juice"*
1:07:38 *Gura:* "Gas gas gas I’m gona kill all trees! Close your eyes Fauna!”
1:16:38 Ocean castle furnace skin
1:31:09 *Perfect* *Roof* *Placement!*
1:37:25 "I saw his insides"
1:46:07 Accidental Metal reinforcement
1:50:32 The stone Age! / Sniper Tower
3:00:40 *“Why* *has* *Corn* *cornered* *the* *word* *‘Kernel?’”* - Gawr Gura 2022
3:16:22 Can I make McDonalds orders form this?
3:22:04 Parkour Gura!
3:25:17 Refining Oil
3:28:10 "That’s not how you use an axe!"
3:34:20 How Gura ended up streaming today
4:39:44 *GooBye!*
Thanks for the stream Gura! The time really flew by!


Thanks for the rust stream Gura.
Really looking forward to more, I love that Pekora is your neighbor.


I’m loving the recent Rust arc in HoloEN and Hololive as a whole. Seeing the random interactions between various members have been really fun and entertaining.

P.S. 3:37:29 Gura once again nerding out over Disney World facts resonates with me so much. I never thought I’d hear the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue name-dropped in a Hololive stream.


Gura arriving at Mumei's house while it's falling apart, that perfect timing lol


Thanks for the stream! It was fun getting to watch you build out your base, interact with all the other members that were on, and get some good loot


Rest well Gura Hope your sleep will be better today Thank you for streaming for us despite being so tired, you made alot of progress and it was a ton of fun! Always a pleasure to hang out with you.
Decay can be set to 0 in the server options afaik if that's something you want to request


I love that The Shork is enjoying Rust so much. We got to see a nice, comfy and a little chaotic gameplay. Lots of JP members around interacting with the Girls and some tee tee with Ame and Mooms. Gooba gambling was hilarious, Shork hoarder is so relatable. Thanks for the Stream Gooba, rest well see you soon!!!

loot 27:28 Bear Peko 2:34:15


What a comfy action packed stream season 2 was getting bullied by both Peko and the gambling, then the Ame/Mooman shenanigans to finish it, thanks for the stream Goomb. Rest well!
3:37:20 didn’t know I needed to hear you roasting a bear with didney puns either


Thank you for the long stream Gooba, rest well


If you look at Gura jumpscaring roboco from Roboco's point of view you can really see it. She was totally hidden lol. Stealthy shark


3:10:14 Gura's accuracy is improving! She hit of her shots!


It looks like someone is totally not addicted to Rust!
Thank you for the stream tonight! It was a lot of fun. It's been a while since you had a long fun filled stream like this.
We missed it a lot.


I like how in minecraft everyone is friends and help eachother while in rust all bets are off, I remember Gura getting away with messing with Peko once in minecraft but I don't think it's gonna fly for long here
I'm glad Gura is enjoying rust so much she's even organizing her inventory


This was such a great stream, I wish for more EN rust streams


Season 2 off to a good start with more crazy neighbors and gambling!
I really love the interactions with so many holomems online. It makes Rust so much fun to watch. Please feel free to just guerilla stream it whenever you feel like!


I remember you saying you might not have streamed this the other day, so thank you for hanging out for so long
We already got some fun interactions out of this season, out of everyone who plays this of course your closest neighbor is a wabbit with a flamethrower
🔥🔥🔥 🐇
Hope you got enough rest after this, see you!


Thanks for the super comfy and funny stream! I bet this was a nice way to unwind after playing Mortuary Assistant, eh? Was also nice to see so many surprise guests too!





Thanks for the stream, Gura! I loved all the fun interactions. Glad you could get proximity chat on this time. Sleep well.


I’m so glad I can hear and understand..
