Eyfel kulesi'nin Tarihçesi. History of the Eiffel Tower.

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Eyfel Kulesi, 1889'da Paris Dünya Fuarı için inşa edildi. Mühendis Gustave Eiffel'in adını taşıyan kule, başlangıçta geçici olarak planlandı ama radyo anteni olarak kullanımıyla kalıcı hale geldi. Bugün Paris'in ve Fransa'nın en ünlü simgelerinden biridir.
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 for the Paris World's Fair. Named after engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was originally planned as a temporary structure but became permanent with its use as a radio antenna. Today it is one of the most famous landmarks of Paris and France.
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 for the Paris World's Fair. Named after engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was originally planned as a temporary structure but became permanent with its use as a radio antenna. Today it is one of the most famous landmarks of Paris and France.