PSLE Maths Series - EP11 Speed and Time

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Town X and Town Y are 640km apart. At 8am, Francis left Town X for Town Y. He travelled at an average speed of 60km/h. 4 hours later, Ardian left Town Y for Town X, travelling at an average speed of 90km/h.
At what time did the two men pass each other? How far are they from Town Y?

‘PSLE Maths Series’
This is the first series in ‘ABCD’. In this series, we will cover some of the hard problem ­sums that students might have difficulties in solving. This week’s question will be contain speed and time concepts.

Every week, we will try to upload be a video that will cover 1 maths question and also provide 2 additional practise questions with similar concept. Additional video(s) may be uploaded to cover another question in the worksheet if possible. Currently, we are reviewing the number of videos to be uploaded per worksheet. Feel free to share with us your view via the comment section below, or via email and Instagram.

We will greatly appreciate if credits are given whenever our practice questions are used. We welcome students to email us any challenging questions that they had encountered in their studying. For a faster processing process, please do provide us with the final answer. Please note that not all submitted questions will be featured.

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Host: Miss J
Editor: Miss J Miss L
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