Making GSAP Draggable | AWWWARDS Website | HTML CSS JavaScript | @gravitycoding

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Making GSAP Draggable | AWWWARDS Website | HTML CSS JavaScript | Modern Web Development
Instructor - Amarjeet Chaudhary
In this exciting tutorial, join us as we dive into the world of web development and design to create a stunning personal portfolio website. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills, this video has something for everyone.
We'll start by building the foundation of our website using HTML, crafting a clean and organized structure for our portfolio. Next, we'll harness the power of CSS to style our website, making it visually appealing and engaging for visitors. With CSS keyframes, we'll unleash a range of eye-catching animations, bringing our portfolio to life with smooth transitions and effects.
But why stop there? We'll take things up a notch by incorporating GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) into our project. GSAP is a powerful JavaScript library that enables us to create advanced animations with ease. You'll learn how to utilize GSAP to add dynamic movement, stunning parallax effects, and captivating interactive elements to your website.
In the video, we made draggable using GSAP's draggable function. The type property specifies that dragging is allowed in both the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions. The bounds property is set to "window" to restrict the dragging within the window boundaries. The snap method can be used to add snapping behavior to specific targets if desired.
Throughout the video, we'll explain the concepts behind each step and provide helpful tips and tricks along the way. By the end of this masterclass, you'll have an impressive personal portfolio website that showcases your skills and creativity, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients or employers.
So, whether you're looking to build your own personal portfolio website or simply want to expand your web development skills, join us on this thrilling journey as we create a visually stunning and animated masterpiece using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Get ready to level up your web design game!
Previous Video -
👉 Create Stunning Scroll Animations with GSAP -
👉 3D Animation Using HTML, CSS & JS | GSAP -
👉 Create Awwwards Website | Hover Animations with JavaScript -
👉 State Level Hackathon Project 😍 (Playlist) -
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Thank you for watching our video 🙌
Song: Konqeson - Rise
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
web development, web design, portfolio website, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Animation, CSSKeyframes, GSAP, WebAnimation, WebDesignInspiration, CodeTutorial, FrontEndDevelopment, InteractiveWebsite, CreativeDesign, DigitalPortfolio, UserExperience, UIAnimation, ResponsiveDesign, WebDeveloperTips, modern web development course, modern web development tutorial, html css projects for beginners, html css animation tutorial, html css animated landing page, gsap animation, awwwards website tutorial, awwwards website design, awwwards website, hackathon, amarjeet chaudhary menu, scrolling animation, Scroll Animations with GSAP, html css and js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web design, gsap, scroll trigger gsap
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Making GSAP Draggable | AWWWARDS Website | HTML CSS JavaScript | Modern Web Development
Instructor - Amarjeet Chaudhary
In this exciting tutorial, join us as we dive into the world of web development and design to create a stunning personal portfolio website. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills, this video has something for everyone.
We'll start by building the foundation of our website using HTML, crafting a clean and organized structure for our portfolio. Next, we'll harness the power of CSS to style our website, making it visually appealing and engaging for visitors. With CSS keyframes, we'll unleash a range of eye-catching animations, bringing our portfolio to life with smooth transitions and effects.
But why stop there? We'll take things up a notch by incorporating GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) into our project. GSAP is a powerful JavaScript library that enables us to create advanced animations with ease. You'll learn how to utilize GSAP to add dynamic movement, stunning parallax effects, and captivating interactive elements to your website.
In the video, we made draggable using GSAP's draggable function. The type property specifies that dragging is allowed in both the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions. The bounds property is set to "window" to restrict the dragging within the window boundaries. The snap method can be used to add snapping behavior to specific targets if desired.
Throughout the video, we'll explain the concepts behind each step and provide helpful tips and tricks along the way. By the end of this masterclass, you'll have an impressive personal portfolio website that showcases your skills and creativity, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients or employers.
So, whether you're looking to build your own personal portfolio website or simply want to expand your web development skills, join us on this thrilling journey as we create a visually stunning and animated masterpiece using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Get ready to level up your web design game!
Previous Video -
👉 Create Stunning Scroll Animations with GSAP -
👉 3D Animation Using HTML, CSS & JS | GSAP -
👉 Create Awwwards Website | Hover Animations with JavaScript -
👉 State Level Hackathon Project 😍 (Playlist) -
Contact Details -
Website -
Telegram Link -
Gravity Coding on Instagram:
Thank you for watching our video 🙌
Song: Konqeson - Rise
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
web development, web design, portfolio website, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Animation, CSSKeyframes, GSAP, WebAnimation, WebDesignInspiration, CodeTutorial, FrontEndDevelopment, InteractiveWebsite, CreativeDesign, DigitalPortfolio, UserExperience, UIAnimation, ResponsiveDesign, WebDeveloperTips, modern web development course, modern web development tutorial, html css projects for beginners, html css animation tutorial, html css animated landing page, gsap animation, awwwards website tutorial, awwwards website design, awwwards website, hackathon, amarjeet chaudhary menu, scrolling animation, Scroll Animations with GSAP, html css and js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web design, gsap, scroll trigger gsap