The 'Yes I'm Still Alive' Vlog.

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YouTube cut off the end of my video! How rude! Guess you'll never know what I actually said. :O

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Take time for you! You deserve it! Can't wait to see Job Hunters :)


It was so nice to meet you in Seattle, Kristina!


Well there's still answerly ;)

Nice unicorn, very jelly. Wish I could go to some of these meet ups but there doesn't seem to be any near to me. :/


@Hillberryify Hahah aw that's adorable! I hope they were some of the people who DID come talk to me in the end!


@Rippel1025 I don't think I've ever met a single other person who shares your opinion on that.


@initialsCKN I didn't mind! I love meeting people! :)


@JuLiAzCrackers One's a flyer from the signing!


@NerdyLiberal That is so sweet, thank you!


Lol, you can totally see my back in the video as I nerdily dance to '500 miles'. :P
Thanks for being so nice Kristina! You are someone I truly admire and listen to. And I'm glad I got to tell you this, and that you let me take a picture with you. It was really an awesome moment! You were so incredibly nice. It made me proud to call myself a unicorn warrior. Remember that you will always have local fans who will support your work right here in our shared hometown. :)


Hmmm.... What was she about to say? There was an "and". And then an "I" sound... Let me extrapolate.

"...and I'll see you later"? To mundane.

"...and I'll soon be working on a new project where I will have a unicorn horn glued to my forehead"? Kristina, no!!! What if the glue does not come off? How can you go thru life with a unicorn horn glued to you? Can you imagine the stares in the grocery store? You need to think this thru.


That "electrocution device" is a game to test people's reactions - they typically come with four handles with buttons on them and a flashing light on the base, the light changes colour a couple of times, 'til it turns green when everybody has to press their button, the last person to do so gets shocked.
If nobody presses a button, everybody gets shocked.
Hold all the handles and set it off my give you a nasty surprise, especially...


You were a couple rows behind me for the show portion. Hearing the people behind me whispering about you being so close and having a "You talk to her", "No you talk to her", "Come on guys, when are you ever going to be able to talk to Kristina Horner?" conversation was quite amusing. Didn't say hi myself, but I watched you talk to people while I was waiting for a milkshake.


I totally met you at the tour de Nerdfighting! And then I like ran away cause I was going to lose my spot in line... So yeah, thanks for not laughing at me for acting like a complete dork lol:) You are so awesome, and I cannot wait to see the first episode of Job Hunters! DFTBA!


Battlestar Galactica is awesome and totally worth your time. I managed to get my non-scifi loving mom into it! Imagine what a feat that was. "No mom, science is like 5 percent of it. The other 95 is politics, romance, sex, and war."


@TweetingRawr At the current time, probably not :'(. Kristina contracted vocal nodes last summer, and has had to stop musical projects. But, she is working on a new web series (as mentioned in the video) and it's going to be awesome!


This is kind of random, but i was wondering if you would ever consider starting like a fashion channel because i think you have a great sense of style and i know that you love clothes, but i know that you are busy maybe sometime in the future...


I heard from a couple of Vancouver nerdfighters who went to the seattle one that when kristina stood up to leave, she had a long line of people who immediately flocked to meet her - she ended up only moving a few feet within the span of an hour =\


@Inductable There was one on January 30th (tour de nerdfighting) BUT if you werent there, there is going to be another meet up on march 10th in u- village. If you should join the washinton nerdfighters and seattle nerdfighters group on facebook!


curse you youtube!!! why must u have cut her off?!! you shall pay dearly for this disrepect!!! now who would like to come with me with a coule metal bats, lacross sticks, duck tape, and maybe some teasers and go teach these rude creators/admins of youtube??


Before I even watched this video I saw the "Knockturn Alley" sign on the wall, the pokemon on your left and John Green's latest novel on your right; and, hit both "like" and "subscribe" because new this was going to be epic.
