The Embarrassing Downfall of Jamie Oliver's Restaurant Business

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Watch the video above to find out about The Embarrassing Downfall of Jamie Oliver's Restaurant Business. When Jamie Oliver restaurants closure happened it was a shock leading people to wonder what went wrong. Watch the video above to learn more about the Jamie Oliver empire collapse despite his seemingly successful business venture. Liked the video? Click the subscribe button so you don't miss an upload! 🤩

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One thing not brought up in the video is how hate he is as a person in the uk. He went on this massive campaign to make schools healthier and while a good idea on the surface it was rotten inside, kids lost out on all the foods they liked at school but worse the parents suffered.

He didn't and arguably still doesn't understand how little low income families live on, by pushing all his ideas schools got healthier but prices got higher. The schools couldn't afford free school meals for all the students so it just went to the poorest students, the other poor families that weren't as poor but still struggling to make ends meet had to now pay.

Now he has the problem of the younger generation his campaigns affected are now the ones going to restaurants. Why go to a restaurant owned by a guy you hate at worse or irradiated you at best when their are other places all along the same street.


One of the world's best chefs ? Thats pushing it lol


It fail because Uncle Roger give bad review.


This guy needs the link to Uncle roger Youtube channel i think. To understand another reason as to why is his business getting hit.


There is nothing that standsout in his brand that is revolutionary. If I want Italian I got to Italian restaurant not a restaurant made by UK bloke that basically butchers all traditional dishes with his TWIST.


He’s a terrible chef, he is a cook, and nothing more!


Jamie's Italian wasn't a good name. Because when people want Italian they want to know it's Luigi or Mario In charge. Just my guess


Amazing how creating filth version of other country's dishes can make you the best chef of the world.


Probably uncle roger had something to do with it: also I went to his restaurant in Gardemoen Airport, Norway: I. Didn't understand the food and service at all: they were nice but it was supposed to be healthy: but I didn't understand the place. Perhaps his other place with pizza upstairs there was better: I never went there to check unfortunately. But yes he sometimes has made recipes that make no sense, also called those recipes by traditional names: that has upset many people: Gordon Ramsey on the other hand really respected the different countries traditions, that's a great contributing factor. Jamie was good at Italian food: why didn't he just stick to that? He had good Italian friends that thought him so much about Italian food : there is a place for an Italian food chain for sure! Good luck Jamie!!!


I took a look at two of his restaurants in London some years ago. I was just walking by, but though 'why not?'. Tool a look at the menu from outside and there was nothing interesting there. Also, the prices were extortionate even for London. So I went elsewhere.


that’s how uncle roger found him


If you say one of the best chefs in the world in insulting everyone else's cuisine, then you are correct. In the end, British and cooking do not mix


If the food was good people would come back. In my city we have a ' Jamie's pizzaria ', its not good


Health and taste good, this is fine
But his recipe is not taste good, there is the problem for restaurant 😅


He was a good chef until people tried his food.


You are not one of the best chefs if your restaurants failed.
He needs to prove himself again imho


This video is basically saying that his food was so terrible that people refused to pay good money for it.


In life, things always don't happen like you intend them

At the end of the day,
Just like there is Comfort Food, Jamie Oliver's shows are Comfort Watch for me


While some comments blaming Uncle Rodger, JO managed to opens his restaurant in UR's home country


I have been in jamie restaurant in qatar and it’s delicious food
