VERIFY: Sam's Club and Costco gas is not the same quality

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Savvy consumers know that warehouse clubs offer cheaper fuel.
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Just because Sam's doesn't pay for the top tier certification doesn't mean they don't still meet or even exceed that standard. This certification game is one that plays out in many industries. I was expecting to see objective tests between the two.


I attended an aviation tech collage where we studied fuels and their energy/burn factors. In a nut shell most internal combustion engine fuels are similar. The difference is in the additives used by the different brands. With the education derived I follow the vehicle manufacturers guidance because the designed the vehicle engine and have intimate knowledge of what works. FYI fuels in California are different than other states such as fuels in winter vs summer have different blends.


If you don't want to watch the whole thing to find out, Costco is better. Hasn't anyone ever heard of a thesis statement?


You can summarize the entire 1m50s video just by looking at a still image at the 1m37s mark. But it's good to know, I was thinking of ditching my Sams's club membership for Costco since where I moved to I'm now much closer to Costco, and now this just helps solidify the decision.


I’ve been using cheap gas on my car for 25 yrs


They got a Costco bulk pack of that sound effect and used them all up in one video


There is no proof that the most expensive gas will make your car last longer than less that is a fact


This research was on port injection engines. The new DI engines may not benefit as much...


As an ASE master certified technician, I can confirm that carbon buildup in an engine is a problem on some engines more than others. The problem is MUCH worse on engines that use direct fuel injection. I've had to scrape carbon off of valves to stop engines from misfiring that will cause a flashing check engine light. I would recommend top tier gas in any direct fuel injected engine. They even make top tier diesel fuel.


The real question is do you have to play that stupid sound effect every 2 seconds?


Where I live, the same tanker truck that fills Costco literally drives across the street to Sams to top them off as well...sooo...


If you are going to do a story, you need to go all the way. Costco use one of the least sophisticated fuel additive on the market to keep its cost low. The net effect is that Costco Gas still does not perform as well as name-brand gas with better additives. I have faithfully logged over 250K miles from 2 cars over very similar driving route and condition, namely daily commute, over a long span of time, factor in different season blend in California. Costco Gas consistently produce lower MPG than other name-brands. If I factor in the more miles I get out of name brand gas, I still come out cheaper per mile, even with the name brands' higher prices.


Came to read the comments just to see no actual agreement on this, I really wanted to know which gas was better as I shop both but I do have cash back from Sam’s which is a great deal


Are they exactly the same isn't a question worth answering, who cares. The real question that needs to be answered is does it make any difference that would matter to the car or consumer.

More additives means less actual gasoline, which means lower energy density, does THAT make any difference in how much gas you need to buy?

How about the real meat of the issue, rather than this fluff, free, markeing for Costco? Does the "19x less carbon deposits" translate to anything meaningful? Does the enigne run more effectively or efficiently? Does the engine last longer, require less maintenance? Are the "19x more carbon deposits" meaningful in any way, or even at that greatly increased rate does it not have any meaningful impact to anything consumers care about?

There is always a trade off, what are the negatives of the extra additives?

This isn't news, its a Costco advertisment. Its clearly not answering any meaningful question, and its picking adventageous talking points only.


Sams uses PFJ (Pilot - Flying J) fuel. Cosco is a "Top-tier " retailer.


So many places are accused of watering down their gas as well. Newsflash: it's federally regulated.
That's what matters.
That and gas v diesel. Vs kerosene.


The gas delivered to Sam’s Club and Costco is the same gas dispense at any given name gas station and additives are a marketing strategy to attract buyers…


Sounds like a self motivated commercial.


Notice they didnt talk to any refineries. Top tier top smeer. Refineries make gasoline. They make regular and premium. They add the additives to all the gasoline they make, its just easier that way. Sam's and Costco buy their gas from a local refineries like everyone else. Its not profitable to transport gas farther because it adds expense. I wouldnt trust AAA, a for profit company, not in the refining business or the EPA. Refineries just dont have the storage capacity for 4 kinds of gas, premium top tier, reg top tier, premium gas, reg gas. Its ridiculous and what would be the profit motive to do so. There isnt they make 2 kinds, the same gas at yiur local ampm or 7-11 or Sam's or Costco. Stations for years have said their gas has this or that Amaco, Exxon, AMPM. If this was truely verified instead of asking people who have nothing to do with it, You should have brought gas from both retailers and had it tested by a lab.


Those gas stations get their gas from a lot of the same refining paces depending on where it comes from. Still, Costco finds again another way to keep their customers coming back over and over again.
