CWU Chamber Choir: Gjeilo - 'Dark Night Of The Soul'

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“Dark Night of the Soul” (Ola Gjeilo) is sung by The Central Washington University Chamber Choir (Gary Weidenaar, director) joined by Ola Gjeilo on the piano and the Kairos String Quartet (comprised of CWU string faculty)

One dark night,
fired with love’s urgent longings
—ah, the sheer grace!—
I went out unseen,
my house being now all stilled.
In darkness, and secure,
by the secret ladder, disguised,
—ah, the sheer grace!—
in darkness and concealment,
my house being now all stilled.
On that glad night, in secret,
for no one saw me,
nor did I look at anything,
with no other light or guide
than the one that burned in my heart.

- St. John of the Cross (1542-1592)

“Dark Night of the Soul was written in 2010, and premiered that year by the Phoenix Chorale. The text, three stanzas from St. John of the Cross’ magical poem Dark Night of the Soul, was suggested to me by Joel Rinsema, Executive Director of the Phoenix Chorale, and I fell in love with its passionate spirituality right away. One of the things I wanted to do in this piece was to make the choir and piano fairly equal, as if in a dialogue; often the piano is accompanying the choir, but sometimes the choir is accompanying the piano (or violin) as well, with the choir kind of taking the role of a soft, but rich “string orchestra” texture. I just love the sound of voices humming chords, it creates a sound that can be so evocative and warm, especially when doubled by a string quartet. To me, that sound combination has a similar effect to a great synth pad, only it perhaps feels more organic and alive.” – Ola Gjeilo

Ola Gjeilo (pronounced Yay-lo) was born in Norway in 1978, and moved to the United States in 2001 to begin his composition studies at the Juilliard School in New York City.
Ola’s concert works are performed all over the world, and his debut recording as a pianist-composer, the lyrical crossover album Stone Rose, was followed by its 2012 sequel, Piano Improvisations. Many of Ola’s choral works are featured on Phoenix Chorale’s bestselling Northern Lights album, which is devoted entirely to his music for choir. All three albums are available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc.
A full-time concert music composer based in New York City, Ola is also very interested in film, and his music often draws inspiration from movies and cinematic music.

Ola’s choral works are published by Walton Music, wind band works by Boosey & Hawkes, and piano pieces by Edition Peters.
For more information, find Ola on Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, Instagram, and at his YouTube channel.


Since 2009, the choir has held annual recording sessions to create videos specifically designed for YouTube. All are under the baton of Dr.Gary A. Weidenaar, who has been the director of the choir since 2006.

As of 2015, there are more than 20 videos. Ten of those feature the music of Ola Gjeilo and are the result of working with Mr. Gjeilo in 3 recording sessions over a 5 year period. The choir has videos of Gjeilo’s Sanctus, Across the Vast Eternal Sky, Contrition, Luminous Night of the Soul, the Ground, Ubi Caritas I and II, and Northern Lights

The CWU Chamber Choir also has recorded videos of music by Byrd, Gretchaninoff, Monteverdi, Muehleisen, Singh, Victoria, and Rautavaara.

To follow the choir on Facebook (page includes selected audio clips and URL's to all videos):

OR - -

A complete listing of the videos of the CWU Chamber Choir and other CWU Music Ensembles can be found at:


Camera operators were: Allen Larsen, Chris Smart, Rick Spencer and Matt Woodard.

All CWU Chamber Choir videos found on YouTube are posted only after an agreement is reached or a contract is signed with the composer and/or copyright holder(s) of the piece(s).
Рекомендации по теме

Some people seem to be missing the fact that the pianist IS the composer. Brilliant music, superb voices, gifted instrumentalists.


Ola Gjeilo's compositions are truly anointed, bringing the listener to the core of contemplative prayer. Many thanks to the composer and a marvelous choir for delivering this powerful prayer...God gave us music that we might pray without words!


If I were a musical note, I would yearn to live inside this song, and to be sung by these voices.


What an absolute treasure it must be to sing the music in concert with the actual composer of the piece.


As I have said on other sites Ola Gjeilo is the MOZART; HANDEL; BEETHOVEN of OUR generation ! He is inspirational (to me) and a GENIUS just like the prior Masters, , ,


Everything that I've heard of Ola Gjeilo's choral pieces and music have been just so exquisitely stunning. all pieces really "touch" the soul. beautifully sung. beautifully played. amazing talent and musical love this composer has


I still remember CWU choir was the only choir who released Luminous night before Dark Night back in 2014-15. The moment this performance was uploaded on YouTube, I literally dropped everything just to listen to this. Can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years since. Hope all the performers are doing well in life now. God bless. 🙏


Choir transcends everything that separates us, it breaks down the barrier of race, gender, religion and everything else you can think of. This performance was very inspiring.


I sang this in my high school choir as a second soprano and its stuck with me for 5 years now. It takes such teamwork to pull this off and is so moving.


That was one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard


One of the young classically trained composers of the 21st century. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!


I had the pleasure and privilege to be at the Green Lake Festival of Music this past June, where we performed this gorgeous song, along with three others. Ola was in residence and was also our accompanist! Words are inadequate to describe that concert. Suffice to say, we were dazzled by the experience, as was the audience. This man is a gift to the world of music, and the world is a more beautiful place because of him.


It's inspiring for me to hear music being written today that sounds like this. As a neoromantic composer, I need to thank Mr. Gjeilo for helping prevent me from giving up music composition.


This song perfectly reflects the spiritual journey: its moments of rejoicing, its moments of despair, and its triumph.


Something like this shouldn't be interrupted by ads. One at the beginning is sufficient.


Having an ad in the middle of such a beautiful piece is just sacrilegious!


La musique de Ola Gjeilo nous transporte par la beauté de ses harmonies combinée avec les rythmiques tantôt planantes, tantôt plus énergiques ; tout est sublime et touche l'âme. Et quelle merveille d'accompagnement cordes et piano ! Ce magnifique choeur a eu la chance de chanter avec le compositeur au piano, quel privilège inoui ! On s'incline devant cette splendeur et on le remercie du fond du coeur de nous apporter tant de beauté et de sérénité. J'ai la chance de travailler en ce moment un programme comportant des oeuvres de Ola Gjeilo et j'attends chaque répétition avec impatience. Merci Monsieur.


03:47 I can feel the awe created by witnessing the Northern lights in this section... Pure Heaven 🙌😇🎶


I thought I had already heard the most beautiful music in the this experience takes it to an all new level.


Thank you Olaf Gjeilo You are touched by the Almighty
God has Blessed you and us with your wonderful inspired compositions
