ΜΠΟΞΕΡ - 10 Χαρακτηριστικά των Μπόξερ!

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Τα Μπόξερ.. Η ιστορία τους, το όνομά τους, ο χαρακτήρας τους, η υγεία τους και άλλα πολλά ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα για αυτά!
Μόλις αποκτήσαμε Instagram:
και Facebook:
...Για όποιον προτιμά να μαθαίνει από εκεί για κάθε νέο βίντεο!!
0:00 Ιστορία
1:15 Μέγεθος
2:18 Τύποι
3:16 Εμφάνιση
3:49 Χαρακτήρας
5:08 Οι Καλύτεροι Φίλοι με τα Παιδιά
5:35 Θεωρούνται Σαλιάριδες
5:50 Φημίζονται για τα Ροχαλιτά τους
6:14 Υγεία
8:14 Δεν είναι "Σκυλί για Έξω"
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. The recent amendments to the Copyright Act of 1976 pertain to music. "Fair use" remains in force for film and video.
Copyright Attributions Under CC BY:
1. 6 Week old cute Boxer Puppies Playing
2. Airy Boxer Dog Gymnastics, Flip into the Worm - Perfect 10
3. ASMR - Dog chooses RAW or COOKED MEAT Boxer Dog
4. Baby loves Boxer dog
5. Bethany The Boxer Puppy with That Pig
6. Boxer dog relaxing as a human
7. Boxer Twins Laila Riddick share doggy fountain - Dog Share
8. Brutus Meets Sophia the baby
9. CUTE Boxer Dog Get Whipped Cream 😍
10. How to brush a boxer
11. My Video
12. Por dentro da raça - Boxer
13. Pregnant Boxer tigresa week 3
14. Puppy Boxer Ravishing Rocco.
15. The baby and the Boxer
16. The Boxer had a head bump 21 days ago
17. Top 10 Dangerous Dogs in the World
18. White Boxer Puppy Snoring
19. Wonderful Wilma takes ribbon for the Working Group at 2019 WKC FOX SPORTS
Μόλις αποκτήσαμε Instagram:
και Facebook:
...Για όποιον προτιμά να μαθαίνει από εκεί για κάθε νέο βίντεο!!
0:00 Ιστορία
1:15 Μέγεθος
2:18 Τύποι
3:16 Εμφάνιση
3:49 Χαρακτήρας
5:08 Οι Καλύτεροι Φίλοι με τα Παιδιά
5:35 Θεωρούνται Σαλιάριδες
5:50 Φημίζονται για τα Ροχαλιτά τους
6:14 Υγεία
8:14 Δεν είναι "Σκυλί για Έξω"
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. The recent amendments to the Copyright Act of 1976 pertain to music. "Fair use" remains in force for film and video.
Copyright Attributions Under CC BY:
1. 6 Week old cute Boxer Puppies Playing
2. Airy Boxer Dog Gymnastics, Flip into the Worm - Perfect 10
3. ASMR - Dog chooses RAW or COOKED MEAT Boxer Dog
4. Baby loves Boxer dog
5. Bethany The Boxer Puppy with That Pig
6. Boxer dog relaxing as a human
7. Boxer Twins Laila Riddick share doggy fountain - Dog Share
8. Brutus Meets Sophia the baby
9. CUTE Boxer Dog Get Whipped Cream 😍
10. How to brush a boxer
11. My Video
12. Por dentro da raça - Boxer
13. Pregnant Boxer tigresa week 3
14. Puppy Boxer Ravishing Rocco.
15. The baby and the Boxer
16. The Boxer had a head bump 21 days ago
17. Top 10 Dangerous Dogs in the World
18. White Boxer Puppy Snoring
19. Wonderful Wilma takes ribbon for the Working Group at 2019 WKC FOX SPORTS